Logged out redirection

If I press Enter using after logged out I am redirecting to

How can I redirect to after logged out by press Enter ?

Why do you want to?

Your browser has requested the url dashboard/.

However, you’re not currently logged in, so you need to log in before you can go to dashboard/

So, Django redirects you to login/, but will then send you to dashboard/ after you’ve been logged in.

(What mechanism are you using to protect the dashboard/ view? What do you have configured to have it redirect to login/?)

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Thanks @KenWhitesell . Actually I would like to browse after logged out. I need to redirect to if I try to browse after logged out. Thanks.

You do get redirected to ‘login/’

That’s why I don’t understand the reason for your question.

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Thanks @KenWhitesell . It is redirecting to if I try to browse after logged out.

Yes, and what page does that show you?

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