Model Forms: Strange Behavior with ManyToManyField

Hello everyone!

I wanted to start by expressing how grateful I am for this forum and community. It has been an incredible resource for my development. Big shoutout to Ken Whitesell!

I am currently using Django Model Forms (and rendering with Crispy) to create and edit instances of a model I am calling “Definitions.” This model contains many fields, most of which are properly rendered and populated in the form as they are static and do not rely on any foreign keys. However, one field is a Many-to-Many relationship that relates to another model, “Sections.”

For starters, I had to override the init method for the Model Form class associated with Definition because I am using a Manager that filters queries based on the current organization ID. The override involves creating the ManyToMany form field at initialization to comply with the OrgFilter Manager and generate correct querysets. See below for implementation.

All of this to say, when I attempt to edit/populate the form, every form field appears as expected EXCEPT the ManyToMany field. Although I set the widget to CheckboxSelectMultiple, it is rendering as a single choice Radio select. The existing selections associated with a given Definition instance also don’t initialize in the widget, so the form field appears blank as well.

Any thoughts/comments/solutions? I tried a couple different approaches based on solutions for similar problems on this and other forums, but none seem to work. If I don’t set the widget, it defaults to a single select from a drop down (which I’m pretty sure is the default select widget). Also, manually setting instance or initial in init has not seemed to work.

class DefinitionForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = models.Definition
        fields = "__all__"
        exclude = ("org",)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):      
        super(DefinitionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields["sections"] = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(

def edit_definition(request, def_id):
    definition = get_object_or_404(models.Definition, id=def_id,
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = forms.DefinitionForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            return redirect("admin_defs_sects", request)
        form = forms.DefinitionForm(instance=definition)

    context = {
        "form": form,
        "definition": definition,
    return TemplateResponse(request, "folio/edit_definition.html", context)

class Definition(OrgFilterBase):
    """Metadata definitions"""


    sections = models.ManyToManyField("Section")


    def sections_str(self) -> str:
        return ", ".join([ for p in self.sections.all().order_by("name")])

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{}"

    def jsonify_content(self):
        """Convert the content field to JSON"""

        def replace_leading(source, char=" "):
            stripped = source.lstrip()
            prefix_len = len(source) - len(stripped)
            return char * (2 * prefix_len) + stripped


    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):

        super().save(*args, **kwargs)


{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
<div class="p-4">
    <h2 class="text-xl font-bold mb-4">Edit Definition</h2>
    <form hx-post="{% url 'edit_definition' %}" hx-swap="innerHTML">
        {% csrf_token %}
        {% crispy form %}
        <button type="submit" class="bg-green-500 hover:bg-green-700 text-white font-bold py-1 px-2 rounded">Save</button>

If the definition of the manager for Definition affects what is returned by the selection of items on sections, then I would guess it may be possible that that is affecting the construction of the form.

The first thing I would try as a debugging step would be to remove whatever alteration occurs on that manager, allowing it to return the results of a full query.

The other idea I had along those lines would be to exclude the sections field from the model form such that the only field created is the one you add to the fields dict within the __init__ method. (Thus removing any potential conflict between what’s automatically created and what you’re creating manually.)

Thank you for the response!

I tried both solutions, and the issue still persists. The fact that the form field is rendering as single select by default and a radio single select when setting the widget to CheckboxMultipleSelect still puzzles me.

Why would it not recognize it as m2m and default to a multi-select field? Upon debugging and inspecting the form object before it is sent to the template, it also shows the sections field as a ModelMultipleChoiceField.

Have you seen conflicts like this before? Could this be an issue with my form rendering?

Here are my primary dependencies for reference, if need be:

python = "^3.11"
django-crispy-forms = "^1.14.0"
crispy-bootstrap5 = "^0.7"
python-dotenv = "^0.21.1"
crispy-tailwind = "^0.5.0"
django-htmx = "^1.16.0"
django-allauth = "^0.56.1"
dj-database-url = "^2.1.0"
fontawesomefree = "^6.4.2"
django-widget-tweaks = "^1.5.0"
django = "^5.0.6"
django-tailwind = "^3.6.0"
django-gravatar2 = "^1.4.4"
django-threadlocals = "^0.10"
pydantic = {extras = ["email"], version = "^2.5.2"}
colorlog = "^6.8.0"
django-taggit = "4.0.0"
six = "^1.16.0"
django-structlog = "^7.1.0"
structlog = "^23.3.0"
cryptography = "^41.0.7"
django-fastdev = "^1.8.0"
django-template-partials = "^23.4"
mkdocs-material = "^9.5.13"
django-prose-editor = "^0.2.1"
poetry = "^1.8.3"
gunicorn = "^22.0.0"
whitenoise = "^6.7.0"
brotli = "^1.1.0"
django-extensions = "^3.2.3"

That’s why I was asking about the manager and possible conflicts. When you define a form, there’s a lot of metaprogramming that occurs. You’re not actually creating the class, you’re providing information for the metaclass to create the class for you. It’s interrogating the model to find the fields and create definitions. Once those are created, creating the instance will result in a form being created.

The other thing you might try as a test would be to render the form directly (not using crispy). There’s a possibility of some adverse interaction there.

Side note, using standard models and standard forms, it all works as expected. Therefore, I do believe there’s some problem occuring with a third-party library.

Problem identified!!!

The default {{ form }} render shows the (horribly designed) multi-select widget! I thought I had tried to isolate this before with no success but alas, the Crispy filter was causing the issue.

How would I go about identifying and resolving the conflict from here? Is there an effective way to trace the render? Are there any resources to identify conflicting libraries (or conflicting versions)?

Looking at your package list, you’ve got a few packages that are out-of-date - especially django-crispy-forms. From what I can tell easily, it looks like Crispy 1.14 only supports as far as Django 4.0.

My initial recommendation would be to upgrade everything. Let pip bring your packages up-to-date. (You can do a pip list -o to get the list of out-of-date packages.)

Problem solved!

Updating the related crispy libraries solved the problem. Everything is rendering as it should with the initial choices as well, in checkbox format.

Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it!