Accessibility team has reviewed this and there’s a couple of places where the title
attribute can be either removed altogether, or easily replaced by something else that’s not a tooltip. Any feedback or opinions on the following are welcome
“Go” button
Django Admin “Go” button has a title that reads “Run the selected action”.
Proposed solution
We feel that the same can be achieved by simply renaming the button to “Run” instead of “Go”. It seems like many translations already took this approach, e.g some Spanish variants read “Ejecutar” (“Execute”) and French reads “Envoyer” (“Send”).
Other alternatives
We considered other alternatives, but ended up discarding them:
- “Run the selected action” (current tooltip label): too long, would affect the layout too much, specially in smaller screens
- “Execute” or “Submit” – not as descriptive, “Run” seems more widely used in English
“Click here to select the objects across all pages”
When selecting items in a list and clicking on the checkbox to select all items on the page, a new button appears that says “Select all number-of-items model-name”, e.g “Select all 131 tracks”.
Proposed solution
We think we should just remove this tootlip altogether, since it doesn’t provide meaningfully different information to the visible text. There is enough opportunity for confirmation of what the action does thanks to the count of selected items updating before-after clicking.
Sidebar tooltip
When hovering over one of the applications in the sidebar, you can see a title
attribute that reads “Models in the {{name}} application.”
Proposed solution
We also think this should be removed, as this label doesn’t provide meaningfully different information to the visible text.