Accessibility team meeting notes

:wave: the Django accessibility team (currently @tom, @sabderemane, @thibaudcolas) is switching to having regular meetings. As part of this switch, we’ll also start publishing our meeting notes, in this thread.

If you want to be aware when there are new meeting notes available, Discourse has per-thread “Watching” and “Tracking” modes which you can find at the very bottom of this page. You can also set this to “Muted” if you want.

Accessibility activities

If you’re wondering what we’re up to, aside from this thread, check out:

How to get involved

If you want to be involved with accessibility discussions, there are a lot of options:


Hello, I’m interested in joining your team.

yay @HamaBarhamou. For you and anyone else who’s interested – please message me in DMs here on the forum or in Discord, to say more about why you’re interested. Here are our official selection criteria. In addition you have to be a DSF Individual Member. Hope this helps!

Okay, thanks. I just filled out the DFS form.

2023-12-14 Woo!

Attendees: Sarah, Tom, Thibaud



  • Hi :wave::grin:
  • Djangonaut Space accessibility ideas
    • 2-3 people likely interested in this
    • Django ecosystem accessibility audits
    • Django core UI development
      • Django admin logical properties refactoring
      • Accessibility improvements to Django admin
      • Accessibility improvements to Django debug views (404, 500, etc)
    • Documentation improvements and research
      • Accessibility guidelines for contributors
      • Accessibility guidelines for documentation
      • Accessibility improvements in documentation
      • Accessibility statement for
    • Django core tooling
      • Accessibility tooling for Django
      • Prettier: Auto-formatting CSS & JS
        • Tom’s on it (or someone from Tom’s group – depends on time before the end of the year)
      • Stylelint for CSS linting
        • Better once Prettier is set up? Requirement for logical properties refactoring
    • Join accessibility team meetings if keen?
      • Not sure how many meetings there will be during this program?
      • Accessibility auditing for the website
      • Accessibility improvements for the website code and design
      • Accessibility improvements in website content
    • Add them as DSF members
  • Playwright rewriting of Django’s test suite would be cool
    • Simpler Axe integration, already exists
  • Growing the team
    • Keen but have to be careful to only add people who are motivated for the right reasons.
  • 2023 annual report
    • “Don’t see why we shouldn’t”
    • Nice way to advertise what we’re doing
    • Possible outline?
      • Statistics
        • Number of accessibility PRs
      • Big things
        • DEP 11 finalized
        • Dark mode? Which year was it?
        • DjangoCon Edinburgh accessibility sprint
        • DjangoCon Durham accessibility sprint
      • Accessibility talks? Blog posts?
        • Color blindness talk at Django Day – Micheal Something
        • Lauren’s talk DjangoCon Europe about accessibility
        • DjangoCon US Django’s accessibility track record
        • DjangoCon Africa?
        • DjangoCon Australia?
    • Plans for 2024
  • Fixed #34909 – Added aria-describedby to Admin Add/Change buttons #17388
    • Thibaud to re-test one last time
  • Accessibility guidelines for all contributors
    • How-tos – recommend referencing external resources (MDN?) for fundamentals
    • Can produce Django-specific resource to highlight particular areas of complexity (“here are top 10 things to test”)
    • Keen to avoid writing extensive how-tos of our own otherwise
  • Wagtail accessibility team keen to help
    • Discussed in a recent team meeting
  • Feature of the Django admin: multiple fields on the same line
    • Might cause problem for PR where we stack label above input
    • Halfway approach where we keep it in a row, but label on top of input nonetheless
    • Be nice if we had full confidence that the demo had all the right features
  • Improve the demo site generally?
    • Recent discussion
    • Future – Forum post about django-admin-demo
    • Be nice to have other contributors try it out and report back what might be missing
    • Use ModelAdmins from Django’s test suite?
      • No data but cover everything the tests do
  • Refs #34038 – Improve link readability and identifiability #17419

omg @sabderemane did a podcast! Django Chat: Accessibility - Sarah Abderemane :tada:

2024-01-11 Happy new year

Attendees: Tom, Sarah, Thibaud


  • Tom Review pull requests from past year to find highlights – nope (new todo app)
  • Thibaud Draft 2023 annual report
  • Tom Review draft 2023 annual report
  • Sarah Review draft 2023 annual report
  • Tom Comment on Refs #34038 -- Improve link readability and identifiability by yushanfans2233 · Pull Request #17419 · django/django · GitHub to proceed with contrast
  • Tom Go through curated list of tickets to check how much accessibility in Djangonaut Space
  • Thibaud Invite Djangonaut Space participants to meetings
  • Thibaud Raise axe-selenium-python in board meeting
  • Sarah ask for GitHub Actions support from
  • Sarah / Thibaud follow up with django-debug-toolbar auditing as part of Djangonaut Space
  • Tom Follow up on label placement in admin form templates (.wide fields)
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806
  • Sarah Share next QA checklist draft with other team members
  • Thibaud Review next QA checklist draft

Actions review



2024-02-08 February FOSDEM vibes

Attendees: Tom, Sarah, Thibaud


  • Thibaud Second draft 2023 annual report
  • Tom Review draft 2023 annual report
  • Sarah Review draft 2023 annual report
  • Tom Comment on the correct ticket #34917 to say the accessibility team recommends adding an underline and that’s it. Djangonaut Space contribution?
  • Thibaud Send calendar invite to 3 Djangonauts for next meeting
  • Tom Consider inviting more Djangonauts
  • Thibaud Again – raise axe-selenium-python in board meeting
  • Sarah Share progress on django-debug-toolbar accessibility issues
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806
  • Thibaud Review next QA checklist draft
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • Sarah Creative genius for accessibility swag
  • Thibaud Share django pony designs with Sarah
  • Thibaud Coordinate call with prospective GSoC mentors for ideas
  • Thibaud Coordinate Google Season of Docs proposals process
  • Thibaud Follow up on “Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available”

Actions review

  • :white_check_mark: Tom Review pull requests from past year to find highlights
    • Spammed in Discord
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Draft 2023 annual report
  • Tom Review draft 2023 annual report
  • Sarah Review draft 2023 annual report
  • :white_check_mark: Tom Comment on Refs #34038 -- Improve link readability and identifiability by yushanfans2233 · Pull Request #17419 · django/django · GitHub to proceed with contrast
  • :white_check_mark: Tom Go through curated list of tickets to check how much accessibility in Djangonaut Space
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Invite Djangonaut Space participants to meetings
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Raise axe-selenium-python in board meeting
  • :white_check_mark: Sarah ask for GitHub Actions support from
  • :white_check_mark: Sarah / Thibaud follow up with django-debug-toolbar auditing as part of Djangonaut Space
  • :white_check_mark: Tom Follow up on label placement in admin form templates (.wide fields)
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806
  • :white_check_mark: Sarah Share next QA checklist draft with other team members
  • Thibaud Review next QA checklist draft


  • T-shirts or something cool I dunno, very important we discuss this, maybe move to the top of the agenda
    • Something with a very cool graphic
    • Says “Django” and “Accessibility”. Optionally it could say “team”
    • Wear them to conferences
    • Badge
    • Shirt would be cool
    • Django accessibility team pony. Pony in a wheelchair
  • Axe-selenium-python
    • Question from Chaim: “Why transfer vs a fork or vendoring? If we take it over how much on the hook will we end up being to maintain the community around what is a non-django app?"
    • The package is 100 lines of code. Feels a bit silly to vendor or fork something that works fine as a separate package and is useful for other projects. Maintenance overhead should be minimal. If we can’t figure this out with the django org, the accessibility team can set up their own separate organisation.
      • Sarah, Tom, Thibaud – happy to own long-term maintenance with no other involvement from other teams
  • django-debug-toolbar
  • Label placement in admin forms – wide fields
  • To review #34917 (Links in the Django admin should be underlined.) – Django
    • Add underline and move on. Tom to follow up
  • Using multiple search roles or elements for one set of items (I know what I mean)
    • Landmarks for search features in changelists
      • Search landmark / element for search form, top links, filters
      • Make sure each is labelled
  • I sort of wonder if we can or should migrate the team into a working group
    • Prominence of teams vs. working groups
    • Not for now
    • Something to consider for bigger / specific projects
  • Obviously Thibaud finished the draft annual report so we should discuss it
  • Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available
    • I will get back to you on that
  • Djangonaut Space
    • Invited to next meeting
    • Ideally accessibility in next session
      • Tom: captain possibly, not navigator
      • Thibaud: I don’t know yet
      • Sarah: “I’m an organizer” (no)
  • Accessibility @ Google Summer of Code
    • May to August
    • Tom maybe, Sarah maybe, Thibaud yes
    • Think of ideas by 10 days from now ish
    • Keyboard shortcuts?
    • 3-5 new components in admin?
  • Accessibility @ Google Season of Docs
    • Ideas:
      • User documentation for the admin
      • Accessibility improvements in code samples / dev docs
    • It’s a Thibaud thing. Sarah happy to help with borken english
    • Docs people for Django: Daniele, Carlton
1 Like

Note that @accessibility is setup and you are all owners of the group. You can hopefully tweak permissions around the group as you see fit but we can update something if not.
Full credit to @nessita for setting this up :clap:


Thank you @sarahboyce and @nessita :green_heart:


I’ve not added our recent notes! :scream:

2024-02-29 Djangonauts Assemble

Attendees: Tom Carrick, Thibaud Colas, Eliana Rosselli, Emmanuel

Notes from Sarah:
I might not be here - so here is my notes

  • Djangonauuuuuts so nice to have you in our wonderful A11y space :heart:So sorry if I’m not there.
  • Accessibility swag
    • Only stickers? Other things? Djangonauts any POV?
  • I’m planning to nominate Tushar as DSF member to be able to add him to the team
    • He is still happy for the maintenance and would love to finish his ticket
  • I added the link for the checklist I started for DDT - clearly unfinished
  • No news from Tom Forbes for the a11y pipeline
  • I’m planning to discuss with Saptak about improvement on the switch dark/light theme
    • Should we invite him to the meeting if needed? Might be better to discuss all together
  • Friends you need to review my Accessibility Checklist :eyes:
    • Djangonauts are happy to review it?
    • I have one comment from Natalia I havent done for landmarks


  • Sarah have to reply to Sangeeta for the accessibility swag
  • Thibaud Investigate Chrome & Edge long term support / enterprise versioning
  • Thibaud Write exact date at which we expect to be using :has and popover, produce browser APIs report per next 3 Django versions (see Dropping Safari 14 support (late 2023) · Issue #8520 · wagtail/wagtail · GitHub )
  • Tom Review Sarah’s DDT issues DDT Accessibility
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Review next QA checklist draft
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • :white_check_mark: Tom Investigate how best to test DateTimeField with django admin demo (log entry? User admin?)
  • Thibaud Share django pony designs with Sarah
  • Thibaud Coordinate call with prospective GSoC mentors for ideas
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Research any pre-existing Django admin user docs?
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Coordinate Google Season of Docs proposals process
  • Thibaud Follow up on “Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available”
  • Thibaud Visual regression testing pipeline setup for demo site
  • Thibaud Fix demo site pipeline & review underlines PR
  • Tom Check how best to test multiple widgets per line in demo site #16975
  • Eli Submit DjangoCon Europe proposal on accessibility or a topic of your choosing
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Write Django admin talk proposal with Tom
  • :white_check_mark: Tom Submit talk proposal
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design
  • Thibaud Organise potential OTF application for UXD or Secure Usability & Accessibility lab

Actions review

  • :white_check_mark:Sarah Share progress on django-debug-toolbar accessibility issues
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • Thibaud Review next QA checklist draft
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • :white_check_mark:Sarah Creative genius for accessibility swag
    • Sangeeta is ok
  • Thibaud Share django pony designs with Sarah
  • Thibaud Coordinate call with prospective GSoC mentors for ideas
  • Thibaud Coordinate Google Season of Docs proposals process
  • Thibaud Follow up on “Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available”
  • Thibaud Nominate Eli, Marijke, Alexander, Nina and other as DSF members



Attendees: Tom, Sarah, Thibaud, Nina


  • Sarah Ask Sangeeta about public domain licence + stickers. In time for Vigo
  • Thibaud Write exact date at which we expect to be using :has and popover, produce browser APIs report per next 3 Django versions (see Dropping Safari 14 support (late 2023) · Issue #8520 · wagtail/wagtail · GitHub )
  • Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
  • Thibaud Shortlist of top 100 Django packages with UI features
  • Thibaud Review accessibility of django-allauth
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • Thibaud Share django pony designs with Sarah
  • Thibaud Ask Sarah B if he can participate in Djangonaut Space session 2 in April
  • Thibaud Follow up on “Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available”
  • Thibaud Follow up on “Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available”
  • Tom Check how best to test multiple widgets per line in demo site #16975
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
  • Thibaud Organise potential OTF application for UXD or Secure Usability & Accessibility lab
  • Thibaud Follow-up on progress of website working group
  • Sarah Make a poll for new meeting times
  • Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975

Actions review

  • Sarah have to reply to Sangeeta for the accessibility swag
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Investigate Chrome & Edge long term support / enterprise versioning
  • Thibaud Write exact date at which we expect to be using :has and popover, produce browser APIs report per next 3 Django versions (see Dropping Safari 14 support (late 2023) · Issue #8520 · wagtail/wagtail · GitHub )
  • :white_check_mark: Tom Review Sarah’s DDT issues DDT Accessibility
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Review next QA checklist draft
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • :white_check_mark: Tom Investigate how best to test DateTimeField with django admin demo (log entry? User admin?)
  • Thibaud Share django pony designs with Sarah
  • Thibaud Coordinate call with prospective GSoC mentors for ideas
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Research any pre-existing Django admin user docs?
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Coordinate Google Season of Docs proposals process
  • Thibaud Follow up on “Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available”
  • Thibaud Visual regression testing pipeline setup for demo site
  • Thibaud Fix demo site pipeline & review underlines PR
  • Tom Check how best to test multiple widgets per line in demo site #16975
  • :white_check_mark: Eli Submit DjangoCon Europe proposal on accessibility or a topic of your choosing
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Write Django admin talk proposal with Tom
  • :white_check_mark: Tom Submit talk proposal
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
  • Thibaud Organise potential OTF application for UXD or Secure Usability & Accessibility lab


  • Browser support policy
    • Chrome 109 – because Windows 7
    • Firefox 115 ESR
    • Safari “latest - 2” 15.6
  • Browser capability differences between versions
    • Chrome 109 vs. Chrome 123
      • CSS nesting
      • Relative colours
    • Firefox 115 vs. 124
      • :has selector
      • Passkeys
      • Declarative shadow DOM
    • Safari 15.6 vs. 17.4
      • Container queries
      • Import maps
  • Django Debug Toolbar
    • Working with Tim
  • Other Django packages
  • Django admin user docs?
  • Google Season of Docs
    • Going ahead with ideas that aren’t accessibility-focused
  • DjangoCon Europe
    • Tom’s talk accepted :imp:
    • Let us know if you need help
  • Pa11y tooling
  • Sarah’s My Accessibility Review Checklist published soon
  • Global Accessibility Awareness Day
    • “Sure”
    • “Sounds like a good idea”
    • 3-5 social media posts
    • Live event
      • QA checklist from Sarah?
      • Tom’s talk preview
      • Thibaud’s Wagtail thing or Django thing
      • ??? some other willing volunteers
    • GAAD: 15 May
  • Django website
    • Long-standing design issues
    • User research report from 20tab curating specific ones
    • Reach out to Open Source Design for support on how to engage with designers
    • Talk to Ron who has pushed the proposal so far
  • New members
    • Check meeting times for new members
    • Make a poll
    • Invite everyone who expressed an interest
    • Add in GitHub, and to DEP, and to website
  • Fixed #34643 -- Move admin form labels to a more accessible place by hrushikeshrv · Pull Request #16975 · django/django · GitHub
    • Position of “Add” button for group chooser widget


Attendees: Tom, Marijke, Tushar, Saptak, Thibaud (eventually)


  • Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975
  • Thibaud Review progress with summary element for collapsible fieldsets #17910
  • Marijke Talk with James & Luke about opportunities to contribute
  • Thibaud Ask Sarah A. whether there’ll be an accessibility team for Djangonaut Space session 2
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Follow-up on progress of website working group
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Follow up on “Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available”
  • Tom Check how best to test multiple widgets per line in demo site #16975
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Organise potential OTF application for UXD or Secure Usability & Accessibility lab
  • :white_check_mark: Sarah Ask Sangeeta about public domain licence + stickers. In time for Vigo
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Write exact date at which we expect to be using :has and popover, produce browser APIs report per next 3 Django versions (see Dropping Safari 14 support (late 2023) · Issue #8520 · wagtail/wagtail · GitHub )
  • Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Shortlist of top 100 Django packages with UI features
  • Thibaud Review accessibility of django-allauth
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Share django pony designs with Sarah
  • Thibaud Convert any remaining actions to project board drafts
  • Thibaud Next draft of accessibility guidelines for contributors #17338

Actions review

  • Sarah Ask Sangeeta about public domain licence + stickers. In time for Vigo
  • Thibaud Write exact date at which we expect to be using :has and popover, produce browser APIs report per next 3 Django versions (see Dropping Safari 14 support (late 2023) · Issue #8520 · wagtail/wagtail · GitHub )
  • Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
  • :hourglass:Thibaud Shortlist of top 100 Django packages with UI features
  • Thibaud Review accessibility of django-allauth
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • Thibaud Share django pony designs with Sarah
  • :white_check_mark:Thibaud Ask Sarah B if he can participate in Djangonaut Space session 2 in April
  • Thibaud Follow up on “Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available”
  • Thibaud Follow up on “Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available”
  • Tom Check how best to test multiple widgets per line in demo site #16975
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
  • Thibaud Organise potential OTF application for UXD or Secure Usability & Accessibility lab
  • :white_check_mark:Thibaud Follow-up on progress of website working group
  • :white_check_mark:Sarah Make a poll for new meeting times
  • Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975


  • The accessibility team’s history
  • New members :heart:
    • Tom
    • Saptak
      • I am Saptak, I am a human rights centered developer. I have been a maintainer of the and part of the Wagtail Accessibility Team. I was also one of the authors of the Accessibility chapter in Web Almanac 2022
    • Marijke (not Mary) – accessibility advocate at work and outside work
      • Accessibility fixes, learnings.
      • Figuring out whether to join the team or not
    • Tushar
      • Djangonaut Space pilot program! :slight_smile:
    • Thibaud
  • Action review
  • Djangonaut Space session 2
    • Neither Thibaud nor Tom will be involved
    • Marijke considering application as captain
    • Sarah A.
  • Shortlist of top 100 Django packages with UI features
    • Dataset of Django websites
    • Developer survey 2023
  • How Marijke’s colleague James can help with Django
    • Blind programmer with an interest in Django & accessibility
    • Also other junior colleague could help
    • Informal assessment of the accessibility of contributor / developer resources
      • Discord has poor accessibility for blind / screen reader users?
      • Slack is better (?)
    • Accessibility of Django
  • Hey Thibaud what do you think about removing legend from fieldsets where there’s a summary with a heading/title already Fixed #35189 -- Render admin collapsible fieldsets with <details>. by MHLut · Pull Request #17910 · django/django · GitHub
  • GAAD 2024
    • Thibaud, Marijke, Saptak


Attendees: Sarah, Thibaud, Tom, Saptak


  • Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975
  • Thibaud Review progress with summary element for collapsible fieldsets #17910
  • Sarah Start a DM on the web-a11y Slack to discuss specific problems with the admin
  • :hourglass:Tom Check how best to test multiple widgets per line in demo site #16975
    • Created issue in GitHub
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
  • Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • Thibaud Convert any remaining actions to project board drafts
  • Thibaud Next draft of accessibility guidelines for contributors #17338
  • Thibaud Share available web features in time for Django 5.2
  • Everyone Create post for new team members in Vigo
    • Everyone Share what they want to share on the post

Actions review

  • Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975
  • Thibaud Review progress with summary element for collapsible fieldsets #17910
  • :white_check_mark:Marijke Talk with James & Luke about opportunities to contribute
    • On the web-a11y Slack
  • :white_check_mark:Thibaud Ask Sarah A. whether there’ll be an accessibility team for Djangonaut Space session 2
    • No / unexpected
  • :white_check_mark:Thibaud Follow-up on progress of website working group
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Follow up on “Thibaud’s static admin demo thing, can it be automated better / made generally available”
  • :hourglass:Tom Check how best to test multiple widgets per line in demo site #16975
    • Created issue in GitHub
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Organise potential OTF application for UXD or Secure Usability & Accessibility lab
  • :white_check_mark: Sarah Ask Sangeeta about public domain licence + stickers. In time for Vigo
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Write exact date at which we expect to be using :has and popover, produce browser APIs report per next 3 Django versions (see Dropping Safari 14 support (late 2023) · Issue #8520 · wagtail/wagtail · GitHub )
  • Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Shortlist of top 100 Django packages with UI features
  • Thibaud Review accessibility of django-allauth
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud Share django pony designs with Sarah
  • Thibaud Convert any remaining actions to project board drafts
  • Thibaud Next draft of accessibility guidelines for contributors #17338


  • Team stickers
    • Sarah now talking with Moe (drafts!)
    • :crossed_fingers:for Vigo
  • Djangonaut Space collab
    • Special session due to feature freeze for Django 5.1 (May - August)
    • Work on packages
  • Feedback about the admin
    • People creating custom views to work around those issues
  • Browser support targets
  • Vigo sprints
    • Eli, Saptak, Tom, Thibaud, Sarah – maybe Tushar
    • Tom: Keyboard shortcuts
    • Sarah: Accessibility on Django Debug toolbar
    • Accessibility checks in Django pipeline


Attendees: Eli, Marijke, Sarah, Thibaud, Tom, Saptak

New team stickers :rainbow:


  • Sarah Create blog post for accessibility team members
    • Thibaud Review blog post draft
  • Marijke Share media kit with Sarah
  • Sarah Start a private channel on the web-a11y Slack to discuss specific problems with the Django admin
  • Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • Thibaud Finish reviewing breadcrumbs changes
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975
  • Thibaud Review progress with summary element for collapsible fieldsets #17910
  • Thibaud Next draft of accessibility guidelines for contributors #17338
  • Thibaud Share available web features in time for Django 5.2
  • Thibaud Convert any remaining actions to project board drafts
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud DjangoCon US Ask for or retrieve from last year – guidelines for speakers
  • Eli & Thibaud Review DjangoCon US speakers accessibility guidelines & DjangoCon checklists
  • Thibaud Ask if we can:
    • Reuse DjangoCon US guidelines for other events
    • Give a heads’up for speakers about the review process
  • Thibaud Ask Europe organizers WG for where to store documents for future organizers
  • Eli & Thibaud Ask Saptak for expertise with physical events
  • Eli & Thibaud DjangoCon US website audit
  • Marijke Share accessibility tips for contributors (already started in Discord)
  • Thibaud Ask contact about physical event accessibility guidelines (Thibaud’s or Marijke)

Actions review

  • Sarah Start a private channel on the web-a11y Slack to discuss specific problems with the Django admin
  • Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
  • :white_check_mark: Tom Check how best to test multiple widgets per line in demo site #16975
    • Created issue in GitHub
  • Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • Thibaud Finish reviewing breadcrumbs changes
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975
  • Thibaud Review progress with summary element for collapsible fieldsets #17910
  • Thibaud Next draft of accessibility guidelines for contributors #17338
  • Thibaud Share available web features in time for Django 5.2
  • Thibaud Convert any remaining actions to project board drafts
  • Everyone Create post for new team members in Vigo
    • Everyone Share what they want to share on the post


  • blog post for accessibility team members
    • Eli: “sure”
    • Marijke: “I’m fine with either”
    • Saptak
  • DjangoCon (US) accessibility contributions
    • Eli & Saptak keen to work on this
    • Slides review ahead of time
      • Doesn’t require attending the conference
      • Guidelines: already in place?
      • Retrieve & review last year’s guidelines for speakers
    • Website accessibility
    • Venue - physical accessibility
      • Requires specific expertise
      • Contact someone with the personal experience
    • Future events:
      • DjangoCon US, Django Day Copenhagen, DjangoCon Europe, DjangoCon Africa, Django Social, meetups
      • Marijke might volunteer with Django Day Copenhagen
  • Djangonaut Space
    • YES
    • Availability in conversation spaces
    • Accessibility team presentation?
  • Django website design
  • RTL for Django
  • A11y slack django channel thing
    • web-a11y Slack users with feedback about the Django admin
    • Sarah’s action :slightly_smiling_face:


Attendees: Eli, Marijke, Sarah, Tom, Saptak

Tom is leading the meeting in Thibaud’s absence, we missed you Thibaud!


  • Sarah Create blog post for accessibility team members
    • Thibaud Review blog post draft
  • Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
  • Tom Create other tickets for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • Thibaud Finish reviewing breadcrumbs changes
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975
  • Thibaud Review progress with summary element for collapsible fieldsets #17910
  • Thibaud Next draft of accessibility guidelines for contributors #17338
  • Thibaud Share available web features in time for Django 5.2
  • Thibaud Convert any remaining actions to project board drafts
  • Eli & Thibaud Ask someone else for expertise with physical events
  • Eli or Saptak Check DjangoCon US website’s navbar a11y issue (reported by Accessibility Insights) and report it accordingly in github repo
    • Saptak write issues for Needs a skip link (decent big navigation)
    • Saptak write issues for Better focus indicators
  • Marijke Share accessibility tips for contributors (already started in Discord)
  • :white_check_mark:Marijke share with Tom pre-commit hook
  • Tom work on admin demo issues
  • Marijke to audit Django Girls website and make some issues (repo)

Actions review

  • Sarah Create blog post for accessibility team members
    • Thibaud Review blog post draft
  • :white_check_mark:Marijke Share media kit with Sarah
  • :white_check_mark:Sarah Start a private channel on the web-a11y Slack to discuss specific problems with the Django admin
  • Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
  • :white_check_mark: Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
  • Thibaud Finish reviewing breadcrumbs changes
  • Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
  • Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
  • Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975
  • Thibaud Review progress with summary element for collapsible fieldsets #17910
  • Thibaud Next draft of accessibility guidelines for contributors #17338
  • Thibaud Share available web features in time for Django 5.2
  • Thibaud Convert any remaining actions to project board drafts
  • :white_check_mark: Thibaud DjangoCon US Ask for or retrieve from last year – guidelines for speakers
  • Eli & Thibaud Review DjangoCon US speakers accessibility guidelines & DjangoCon checklists
  • Thibaud Ask if we can:
    • Reuse DjangoCon US guidelines for other events
    • Give a heads’up for speakers about the review process
  • Thibaud Ask Europe organizers WG for where to store documents for future organizers
  • :white_check_mark: Eli & Thibaud Ask Saptak for expertise with physical events
    • venue page for DjangoCon US does have an accessibility section
  • Eli & Thibaud DjangoCon US website audit
    • [Eli] Inspecting the website navbar items with Accessibility Insights for the Web shows a couple of failures in the automatic checks but I’m not sure I understand what the real issue is
    • :white_check_mark: Contrast issues in the “Other hotels” section (in the venue page) and some minor ones in the about page
    • [Saptak] Needs a skip link (decent big navigation)
    • [Saptak] Better focus indicators
    • :white_check_mark: [Saptak] “A friendly conference for a friendly community” doesn’t meet color contrast
    • [Saptak]: The title of the articles in the “Latest news” should be h3 (suggestion)
  • Marijke Share accessibility tips for contributors (already started in Discord)
  • Thibaud Ask contact about physical event accessibility guidelines (Thibaud’s or Marijke)


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