passing wrong type to a serializer

I’m writing a function from a view that call a serializer (from DRF) as below.
The purpose of this, is simply to call this function by providing any class that I’ll add further in the

def get_list( class_seralizer):
       eui_value = request.query_params.get('eui', None)
       returned_object = returned_object.filter(eui__contains=eui_value)
       ret_serializer = class_seralizer(returned_object, many=True)  #here
       print( type(ret_serializer))
       return JsonResponse(, safe=False)

the print displays:

class ‘rest_framework.serializers.ListSerializer’

and the :

class class_seralizer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = CpuConf
        fields = (

But this ends with :

Exception Type: AssertionError
Exception Value: Expected a Response, HttpResponse or HttpStreamingResponse to be returned from the view, but received a <class 'NoneType'>

It’s complaining about your view - not the code you’ve posted here.

Your view is not returning a Response as the messages says.

This code is from the view itself.
To be more specific :

I’ve changed existing working code :

@api_view(['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])
def cpuconf_list(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        returned_object = query_all(module)
        eui_value = request.query_params.get('eui', None)  # Check if the UID exists
        if eui_value is not None:
            returned_object = returned_object.filter(eui__contains=eui_value)
        confs_serializer = CpuConfSerializer(returned_object, many=True)
        print("===", type(confs_serializer))
        return JsonResponse(, safe=False)

to the code :

@api_view(['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])
def cpuconf_list(request):
    conf_list(request, CpuConf, CpuConfSerializer)

def conf_list( request,module, class_seralizer):
       eui_value = request.query_params.get('eui', None)
       returned_object = returned_object.filter(eui__contains=eui_value)
       ret_serializer = class_seralizer(returned_object, many=True)  #here
       print( type(ret_serializer))
       return JsonResponse(, safe=False)

So the CpuConfSerializer call then become generic enough to be replaced by any other class by using “class_serializer”

oh just understood the consequences of your answer : I’ve removed the return from the call function itself.
