post() got multiple values for argument 'seller_id'

I am trying to create a logic to allow users Order Service, what i want to do is overide the post() or create() so i can be able to create a Notification Object while submitting the new order, but i keep getting this error that says post() got multiple values for argument 'seller_id'

class OrderService(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
    serializer_class = OrderSerializer
    queryset = Orders.objects.all()

    def post(self):
        seller_id = self.kwargs['seller_id']
        buyer_id = self.kwargs['buyer_id']
        service_id = self.kwargs['service_id']
        seller = User.objects.get(id=seller_id)
        buyer = User.objects.get(id=buyer_id)
        service = Service.objects.get(id=service_id)

        order = Orders.objects.create(seller=seller, buyer=buyer, service=service)
        notification = BuyerNotification.objects.create(buyer=buyer, service=service, order=order, notification_type="awaiting_response")
        return order

Update 1

I found out that the post() method need to take in self, request, so i did that

    def post(self, request ,seller_id ,buyer_id, service_id):
        return Response({"order": order})

Now the error seems to be gone, but when i fill the form from the browser

And submit, it does get saved in the database but the form fields data does not get saved, it just saves a blank form despite the face that i have filled the form.

this is the respons i get after submitting the form

what could be causing this issue now?

Update 2

I figured i could use only the CreateAPIView then overide the create() method, instead of using the ListCreateAPIView (which i would still want to know how to overide the post method)

This is the new code i wrote to create an order and also a notification instance, the problem is, when i submit the form, it still get saved to the database but with blank fields.

class OrderService(generics.CreateAPIView):
    serializer_class = OrderSerializer

    def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        seller_id = self.kwargs['seller_id']
        buyer_id = self.kwargs['buyer_id']
        service_id = self.kwargs['service_id']
        seller = User.objects.get(id=seller_id)
        buyer = User.objects.get(id=buyer_id)
        service = Service.objects.get(id=service_id)

        order = Orders.objects.create(seller=seller, buyer=buyer, service=service)
        notification = BuyerNotification.objects.create(buyer=buyer, service=service, order=order, notification_type="awaiting_response")

        return Response(status=201)

Update 3

This updated code seems to be working, but how do i create a notification object in the already overridden create method, how do i get the buyer instance, seller instance, service instance to create a notification object.

class OrderService(generics.CreateAPIView):
    serializer_class = OrderSerializer

    def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        serializer = self.get_serializer(
        headers = self.get_success_headers(
        return Response(, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers)

This is my notification model

class BuyerNotification(models.Model):
    buyer = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, related_name="buyer_notifications")
    service = models.ForeignKey(Service, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, related_name="buyer_service_notifications")
    order = models.ForeignKey(Orders, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, related_name="buyer_service_order")
    notification_type = models.CharField(max_length=100, choices=NOTIFICATION_TYPE, default="none")
    is_read = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    nid = ShortUUIDField(length=10, max_length=25, alphabet="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz")

In your create when you are doing self.perform_create(serializer) store it in the variable like instance_obj = self.perform_create(serializer) and from that variable you can get instance_obj.service, instance_obj.seller, instance_obj.buyer

Also print this values and see if you are getting whole object for this particular foreign keys or their id’s only.

Thanks for your response

i printed instance_obj after i assign it as a variable

instance_obj = self.perform_create(serializer)
print("instance_obj ==========", instance_obj)


instance_obj ========== None

instead of self.perform_create(serializer) you can directly use like
instance_obj =
and then print it as self.perform_create(serializer) this thing also doing the same for you

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That fixed the error, thanks alot for your time.