Problem with django-adminlte3 and Django 5.x.x FIX.

If anyone here is using django-adminlte3 and Django 5.1 and above. I can 100% say that your page to create/update any data from the admin panel isn’t working. This is because adminlte3 is using length_is filter that was deprecated around django 4.2 and completely removed on Django 5.1. If you want everything to stay the same but fix the issue and you cannot move down to a supported django version. I have got you covered. you can use django-adminlte4 package, After several days of mailing and waiting and creating Pull request on the repo for django-adminlte3. I Forked the repo, fixed and published the package as i needed the project to work.
the project link is at : django-adminlte4 · PyPI