Problem not goin into

Hi Newbie here. I’m currently building on top of LAMP server, so I can have my Php apps together with my python apps, but ended up with a problem with apache.conf, I’ve managed to write a DaemoProcess for my wsgi on path →, it now loads my ‘home.html’ view on path (’ ') but when I try to access another path, be it may be ‘/admin’ or ‘/login’ apache can’t serve

my site.conf

WSGIDaemonProcess al_app display-name=%{GROUP} python->home=/path/to/django_env python-path=/path/to/project/      

WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
WSGIProcessGroup pal_app

    WSGIScriptALias /app/ path/to/app/ process-group=al_app
    <Location /app/>
            WSGIProcessGroup al_app

    <Directory /path/to/app>
            Require all granted

    <Directory /path/to/app/>
                    Require all granted

    Alias /app/static /path/to/static

    <Directory  /path/to/static>
            Require all granted

Alias /app/media /path/to/media

<Directory  /path/to/media>
        Require all granted