Problems with CK Editor 5

Hello everyone,

I am using Django and TailwindCSS to create a simple blog application, and I added CKEditor 5 to edit my main content, so I created a blog list and when I add content via CKEditor it shows elements such as <i><p> etc, and solution is that I add |safe to my html and it will render Ok.

I did that and added |safe in html but after that content style shows different on front page, I will add image to show what I mean:

Content is OK, no <i><p> but style is different from my original design…

What is the solution for this, can someone help me, I am learning Django just to inform.

Thank you

The first step would be to use the web developer tools in your browser. You need to look at the HTML to see if there’s anything different about the panels that look wrong. Do they contain the HTML you expect? If not, what is different?

If the HTML looks correct then you’ll need to look at the CSS being applied to each element in those panels - again, using the web developer tools - to see what’s different about them.