Thanks in advance for any advice you have.
I have a simple App on pypi which uses models.AutoField.
I install this App in a local Project that has in
DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = "django.db.models.BigAutoField"
Running ./ makemigrations
in the Project creates a new migrations file 0002_alter_cloudavailabilityzone_id_...
in the installed App’s migrations dir to convert the AutoField
to BigAutoField
Migrations for 'django_cloud_provider_zones':
~ Alter field id on cloudavailabilityzone
~ Alter field id on cloudregion
The issue is that running ./ migrate
for the Project fails when run in a Dockerfile or a clean venv that did not first run makemigrations
as the App’s additional migration file is obviously not present when fetched from pypi.
django.db.migrations.exceptions.NodeNotFoundError: Migration catweb.0001_initial dependencies reference nonexistent parent node ('django_cloud_provider_zones', '0002_alter_cloudavailabilityzone_id_alter_cloudregion_id')
This seems potentially like a common issue. I know I can resolve this by aligning the Auto fields in the Project and App, since I control them both. However, I want to know if there other suggestions or best practices I should use to avoid this.