Random forwarding in form, with two parameters

Hi guys, I am currently building a vocabulary learning app as a “first big private project” that I want to share when it’s done (I want to break into the industry somehow, so am building a portfolio)

for that I have some CBVs:

  • IndexView(TemplateView)
  • WordListView(ListView)
  • LanguageWordListView(ListView)
  • WordFormView(FormView)

and some models:

  • AbstractWord()
  • Language()
  • Word()

I think the Word-model is the most important one:

class Word(models.Model):
    '''The translated representations of each AbstractWord
    word = the concept behind abstract
    text = the word in the language we are looking for.
    word = models.ForeignKey(AbstractWord, to_field='abstract_word', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    language = models.ForeignKey(Language, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    text = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)
    definition = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return f'{self.word}, {self.language}, {self.text}, {self.definition}'
as well as the follwing URL-patterns:
urlpatterns = [
    path('', IndexView.as_view(), name='index'),
    path('word-list/', WordListView.as_view(), name='word-list-view'),
    path('word-list/<str:language>/', LanguageWordListView.as_view(), name='lang-word-list-view'),
    path('word-list/<str:language>/<int:pk>', WordFormView.as_view(), name='word-form'),
urlpatterns += static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)

In the WordFormView, I want to forward to a random word, after answering for the meaning of the current word correctly, I have the following view, sorry it is quite long, by now:

class WordFormView(FormView):
    '''shows the form to enter the meaning of the word.
    Forwards to a random new word, once the word is answered correctly.
    After three incorrect guesses, the word should be skipped
    Todo 1: Implement logic for wrong answers
    Todo 2: Implement logic for forwarding
    template_name = 'VocabTrainer/templates/word_form.html'
    form_class = AnswerWord
    success_url = None

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        '''set the context data accordingly - now we can use the current_word in word_form'''
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        word_id = self.kwargs.get('pk')
        language = self.kwargs.get('language')
        context['current_word'] = Word.objects.get(pk=word_id)
        return context

    def form_valid(self, form):
        '''checks whether the form is valid'''
        # user_input defines that the field is the form field 'translation'
        user_input = form.cleaned_data['translation']
        # here we pass the current word from get_context_data into this function
        current_word = self.get_context_data()['current_word']
        if user_input == current_word.text:
            #pick the current language
            current_language = self.kwargs.get('language')
            # if the user input is the correct value, forward to a random word:
            all_words_except_current = Word.objects.filter(language=current_language).exclude(pk=current_word.pk)
            if all_words_except_current.exists():
                random_word = random.choice(all_words_except_current)
                self.success_url = reverse('word-form', kwargs={'language':current_language, 'pk':random_word.pk})
                self.success_url = reverse('index')
        return super().form_valid(form)

Upon forwarding, I get the following error:

Exception Type: ValueError at /word-list/german/2
Exception Value: Field ‘id’ expected a number but got ‘german’.

I get that I am forwarding in the self.success_url = reverse('word-form', kwargs={'language':current_language, 'pk':random_word.pk}) but I cannot get to the point where this is working as intended …
it should forward from
/word-list/german/2 to a randomly selected word-list/german/{random_word.pk} where random word is picked from the subset of Words where the language is German.

What am I doing wrong?

Edit: solved - by changing the form_valid to the following

    def form_valid(self, form):
        '''checks whether the form is valid'''
        # user_input defines that the field is the form field 'translation'
        user_input = form.cleaned_data['translation']
        # here we pass the current word from get_context_data into this function
        current_word = self.get_context_data()['current_word']
        current_language = current_word.language #this line is the solution
        if user_input == current_word.text:
            #pick the current language
            # if the user input is the correct value, forward to a random word:
            language_words = Word.objects.filter(language=current_language)
            all_language_words_except_current = language_words.exclude(pk=current_word.pk)

            if all_language_words_except_current.exists():
                random_word = random.choice(all_language_words_except_current)
                self.success_url = reverse('word-form', kwargs={'language':current_language, 'pk':random_word.pk})
        return super().form_valid(form)