runserver_plus could not process https requests after running for some time.

I am working on a web application developed with Django (version 4.0.4), and I am launching the web server using runserver_plus (multi-threaded). After running for some time, there is a probability that the web server stops being able to handle web requests on the listening port.
When I checked on the server side by capturing packets, it seems that the third handshake packet (ACK) of the TCP three-way handshake is being dropped.
I want to know if there is a known issue with the runserver_plus server causing this problem?

When you start runserver_plus from a console window, you’ll get this message:

WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.

The docs for runserver_plus in django-extensions says this:

WARNING : This should never be used in any kind of production environment. Not even for a quick problem check. I cannot emphasize this enough. The interactive debugger allows you to evaluate python code right against the server. You’ve been warned.

Finally, the Werkzeug docs say this:

Do not use the development server when deploying to production. It is intended for use only during local development. It is not designed to be particularly secure, stable, or efficient.

So - to directly answer your question, is there a known issue in that specific area? Not that I’m aware of. However, since I have three different sources all telling me that I shouldn’t rely upon this server in a production-style environment, I would tend to take them at their word, and assume there are likely going to be issues somewhere along the line.

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