In your test case, actually the field itself is an ImageField.
If you look at the _meta.fields
attribute of the model, you will see it shows <class 'django.db.models.fields.files.ImageField'>
If you do something like type(instance.image)
, it will report as a FieldFile. But this does not mean that image
is a FieldFile. What it’s telling you is that what you get from the instance
class when you reference image
is a FieldFile. (This is the Model’s ModelBase “metaprogramming magic” at work.)
Consider the following class:
class TestClass:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __getattribute__(self, attr):
return str(super().__getattribute__(attr))
Now, if I do the following in a python shell:
>>> t = TestClass(3)
>>> t.x
>>> type(t.x)
<class 'str'>
Does this now mean that the x
in this instance of TestClass is now a string? No, t.x is still an integer. Despite that, everything that I reference using that name gives me a string.
(Also, a dir(t)
is going to return an empty list, which is vastly different than if you do a dir on any regular class.)
If by “failing” you mean that it doesn’t write a file without a name and without returning some type of error, my initial reaction would have been no, I would not have expected it to behave like this.
However, I’ve worked with Django long enough at this point to work from the perspective that if something is happening that I don’t understand, it’s my understanding that is lacking. My baseline is that things are generally done for a reason, even if I don’t know what that is, or can’t think of one.
This could be related to the requirements associated with “storages”, or it may be related to the behavior of the underlying Python libraries.
Note: I have discovered that if you assign a name to the attribute, it does save the file and can subsequently be retrieved.
(e.g., = "test-file.gif"
before the
Side note: I can’t recreate the error you’re describing. If I follow the steps you’re describing in your last post, including using refresh_from_db
I get the same empty string from
, I do not get an error. This is with Django 5.0.2 / Python 3.12.1. Might there be some platform / version issue involved here?