Setting selected items in a forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField

How do I render a form with several items in the ModelMultipleChoiceField selected? So the rendered html page looks like the below:


    willing_to_judge = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
        queryset = WillingToJudge.objects.all(),
        widget = forms.SelectMultiple,
        required = False,
        label = 'Willing to Judge:',
        help_text = 'Hold down “Control”, or “Command” on a Mac, to select more than one.',

I tried adding initial

    willing_to_judge = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
        queryset = WillingToJudge.objects.all(),
        widget = forms.SelectMultiple,
        initial = [WillingToJudge.MCMProblemSet.NONE],
        required = False,
        label = 'Willing to Judge:',
        help_text = 'Hold down “Control”, or “Command” on a Mac, to select more than one.',

Changing things in __init__

self.fields['willing_to_judge'].initial =  [WillingToJudge.MCMProblemSet.NONE]

Populating the form field is /not/ the problem. Select items in the form field is the problem. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Please be more specific here. Are you saying that you cannot make any selections on the widget when its rendered on the page?
Or are you saying that current selections in the model aren’t reflected in the widget when it’s originally rendered?
Or are you saying that selections made on the page aren’t saved in the model?

Also, we’ll probably need to see the view in which this form is being rendered.

Thanks for the quick reply @KenWhitesell but day 2 of digging and I think I was approaching the problem incorrectly and I believe I have a fix now. As you mention, the “problem” is in the view. I’ll post what works for me so if/when other come here with a similar problem my fix might help them.