I am creating a school management system. Multiple users/school_owners will create multiple classes according to the number of classes in their school. I am the superuser [i.e. Super Admin] that can access classes in every school. So, I want to link classes of a particular school [i.e. Foreign Key] in particular link. And I’ll press that link and the class linked with the foreign key will be display in the list.
It should be like this inside admin
- School Name 1
- ---- Class 1
- ---- Class 2
- ---- Class 3
- ---- Class 4
- School Name 2
- ---- Class 1
- ---- Class 2
- ---- Class 3
- ---- Class 4
Here school name 1
and school name 2
are the value of the foreign key.
Inside models.py
from django.db import models
from accounts.models import school_details
class student_class(models.Model):
connect_school = models.ForeignKey(school_details, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True)
class_list = models.CharField(max_length=95)
def __str__(self):
return self.class_list
[i.e. `**school name**` ] should be displayed first in theadmin
and when we click inschool name
it should redirect me to the respectiveclasses
of that particular school.
Inside admin.py
from django.contrib import admin
from school.models import student_class
# Register your models here.
This photo denotes how that data is being displayed in an unorganized way with the upper admin.py
I don’t want like this.