Similar method as setattr() in HTML templates?

Hello, everyone,
I have a form type that I embed in many places in the code. Now I wanted to create an include template for this, so that I can make adjustments at any time - but only in one central place.

The only problem here is the definition of the database fields. So:

{{ entry.database_field }}

Is there a way that my passed string (database_field=“flavor”) selects the correct database field? Similar to the setattr() method.

My template:

{% block content %}
{% include "includes/form-fullscreen-selection.html" with queryset=myqueryset database_field="flavor" %}
{% endblock content %}

My include file:

<div class="fullscreen-form identifier">
        <input type="search" placeholder="Search">
        {% for entry in queryset %}
            <div class="fullscreen-form-option">
                <div class="flex-row-space-between">
                    <p>{{ entry.database_field }}</p>
                <div class="flex-row-space-between display-none">
                    <img class="icon-h18" src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}image/base/icon/icon-checked-green.png">
                    <p>{{ entry.database_field }}</p>
        {% endfor %}

The templates really not the right place to try and do this sort of data retrieval. You’re better off working your view such that the context is structured to appropriately provide the data your template requires.