SynchronousOnlyOperation from celery task using gevent execution pool

I opened an issue about a library I’m using for my django project, here’s the link: Async DataBaseHandler (Sink?) Django · Issue #879 · Delgan/loguru · GitHub
Searching the internet I found a question on stackoverflow which describes exactly what happens: django - SynchronousOnlyOperation from celery task using gevent execution pool - Stack Overflow



celery -A scheduler.celery beat -l INFO --uid=nobody --gid=nogroup --detach
celery -A scheduler.celery worker -l INFO -E --uid=nobody --gid=nogroup -O fair --pool=gevent --hostname=celery-workerAnalyser --autoscale=30,10

The main question is: But why isn’t this exception raised in 100% of cases but only in a minority of cases?

The accepted answer on the SO thread has this:

It turned out my assumptions were wrong and I was using code which was not greenlet safe with gevent.

I’d guess you’d have to ask on gevent what that means. (I have to admit to having no idea myself. :sweat_smile:)

This isn’t really a Django question I think…

I was wondering if queries made via Models could be greenlet safe with gevent

Stumbled across this discussion while trying to debug the same problem.

If you look at the Django source, this exception is raised when there is a running event loop in the current OS thread. I was seeing it raised in Celery tasks that had nothing to do with an async event loop. In fact I went to great lengths to make sure that the event loop was exclusively in a thread created just for that purpose.

I believe the problem is the gevent “monkey patch” process. It wants to patch threading to make the Thread class … not a thread, but a greenlet that acts like a thread.

Celery calls monkey_patch_all: