The view didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead.

Hello everyone,

I want to web scrape the RSS of a website and display it on a created website of my own. The web scraping part is working when I use just a file and write the response into a json file.
So, I created a model News with title, link, description and published_date. The code of the file was copied and modified into the

I understand my code in the file as following:
get the content of the xml file with provided link. store all into the articles variable. loop through the articles and find the title, link, description and published_date. Create new variable article and declare to News model. Initialize the article with data and after save the article. With return redirect I redirect to the function save_article for next steps (perhaps not necessary?)
In save_article function I create news and initialize it to a News model to get all saved articles. And render it in the html file.

To solve the issue I tried already several ways I could find but I get every time the error: The view didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead.

I will show you two different solutions:

from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from .models import News

from django.http import HttpResponse
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4
import json

def dw_rss(request):
		r = requests.get('')
		soup = bs4(r.content, features='xml')

		articles = soup.findAll('item')
		for a in articles:
			title = a.find('title').text
			link = a.find('link').text
			description = a.find('description').text
			published_date = a.find('dc:date').text

			article = News()
			article = {
				'title': title,
				'link': link,
				'description': description,
				'published_date': published_date

		return redirect(save_articles)

	except Exception as err:
		print('Scraping failed! Exception: ')

def save_articles(request):
	news_json = [{'news': news}]
	return HttpResponse(news_json, 'application.json')
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from .models import News

from django.http import HttpResponse
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4
import json

def dw_rss(request):
		r = requests.get('')
		soup = bs4(r.content, features='xml')

		articles = soup.findAll('item')
		for a in articles:
			title = a.find('title').text
			link = a.find('link').text
			description = a.find('description').text
			published_date = a.find('dc:date').text

			article = News()
			article = {
				'title': title,
				'link': link,
				'description': description,
				'published_date': published_date

		return redirect(save_articles)

	except Exception as err:
		print('Scraping failed! Exception: ')

def save_articles(request):
	news = News.objects.all()
	return render(request, 'news.html', {'news':news})

the file:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4
import json

def dw_rss():
	article_list = []
		r = requests.get('')
		soup = bs4(r.content, features='xml')

		articles = soup.findAll('item')
		for a in articles:
			title = a.find('title').text
			link = a.find('link').text
			description = a.find('description').text
			published_date = a.find('dc:date').text
			article = {
				'title': title,
				'link': link,
				'description': description,
				'published_date': published_date

		return save_articles(article_list)

	except Exception as err:
		print('Scraping failed! Exception: ')

def save_articles(article_list):
	with open('articles.json', 'w') as file:
		json.dump(article_list, file, indent=4)


I am looking forward to your help.

Thank you

Fundamentally, a view receives a Request and returns a Response.

What does that mean here?

It means your logic should basically be:

def some_view(request, parameters):
    return some_http_response

Where some_http_response is the output of a template being rendered, or a redirect, or some other type of HttpResponse.

What you don’t do is try to break this functionality up into different views requiring responses and subsequent requests to get things done.

Now, if this takes too long to complete and the request times out, you’ll have to spawn this off as a background task - perhaps using Celery. But if it can complete in the appropriate period of time, you want to do everything in a single view.