timesince localizations problems

Hi there, I need help with the following:

In my template, I’m using the timesince filter on the ending_utc variable. I need to know how much time has passed between ending_utc and now.

{% for finished_activity in finished_activities|slice:":10"%}
                              <a data-href="{% url 'workshop_details' finished_activity.id %}" class="modal-link"
                                data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ finished_activity }}" href="#">
                                {{ finished_activity|truncatechars:75 }}
                          <td>{{ finished_activity.finished_by.first_name }}</td>
                          <td>{{ finished_activity.finished_at|date:'Y-m-d' }}</td>
                          <td class="text-navy">
                            <i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>
                            {{ finished_activity.ending_utc|timesince }}
                        {% empty %}
                          <td colspan="4">{% trans "No completed sessions were found" %}</td>
                      {% endfor %}

In my project, I’m using two languages: English and Spanish, and I have USE_I18N=True .

USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True

    ('en', 'English'),
    ('es', 'Español'),

When rendering the values in the browser, in English I get: “5 hours, 16 minutes”, but in Spanish I get: “5 horas, 41 minutes”, where the word “minutes” is not translated. Everything else is translated except for the word “minutes”.

Is there an error in how I’m using the filter, or is there another way to obtain the time in that format?
