I have installed the gettext in windows, but when i go to use the following code i have this ouput
django-admin makemessages -l it
usage: xgettext [OPTION] [INPUTFILE]...
xgettext: error: unrecognized arguments: --language=Python --keyword=gettext_noop --keyword=gettext_lazy --keyword=ngettext_lazy:1,2 --keyword=pgettext:1c,2 --keyword=npgettext:1c,2,3 --keyword=pgettext_lazy:1c,2 --keyword=npgettext_lazy:1c,2,3 --add-comments=Translators
What i am doing wrong? There are packages or methodologies that you suggest to use to translate django app?
from the official docs django-admin and manage.py | Django documentation | Django
django-admin makemessages -l it
it should be like
django-admin makemessages -l=it
I have tried your suggestion but still get the same problem
django-admin makemessages -l=it
usage: xgettext [OPTION] [INPUTFILE]...
xgettext: error: unrecognized arguments: --language=Python --keyword=gettext_noop --keyword=gettext_lazy --keyword=ngettext_lazy:1,2 --keyword=pgettext:1c,2 --keyword=npgettext:1c,2,3 --keyword=pgettext_lazy:1c,2 --keyword=npgettext_lazy:1c,2,3 --add-comments=Translators
I have installed the window binary (Translation | Django documentation | Django) that still get this
usage: xgettext [OPTION] [INPUTFILE]...
xgettext: error: unrecognized arguments: --language=Python --keyword=gettext_noop --keyword=gettext_lazy --keyword=ngettext_lazy:1,2 --keyword=pgettext:1c,2 --keyword=npgettext:1c,2,3 --keyword=pgettext_lazy:1c,2 --keyword=npgettext_lazy:1c,2,3 --add-comments=Translators
I have solved this issue by just deactivate the python environment and use the local environment