I have added new endpoint to my API which returns list of articles and list of videos. The data model for both is basically the same - title, link, timestamps and FK to website model (for articles) or YouTube channel (for videos). I am making sure to prefetch these to avoid N+1.
While checking with the Django Debug Toolbar, I initially noticed that the query to fetch articles takes like 3ms but the videos one took 170ms. The only difference I was able to identify was index on is_visible
on articles, which I did not have on videos for similar property. After adding it, the videos query dropped to 45ms, which is big improvement but still slow compared to few ms for the articles. See the image.
Any tips where to look for issues? I am caching this so it has very little real world impact but I am curious what is going on.
The videos have couple more filters related to the avatar_url
but I tried temporarily removing it and I did not help things.
I also have separate list endpoints for articles and videos which have basically the same queries and the discrepancy exists there also. The articles one is like 5ms while the videos one is 130ms.
Below is my quite MVP code
def fetch_data(parsed_languages):
videos_queryset = Video.objects.valid().select_related('feed').exclude(feed__avatar_url__isnull=True).exclude(
filtered_videos = None
if parsed_languages:
filtered_videos = videos_queryset.filter(feed__language_code__in=parsed_languages)
if not filtered_videos:
filtered_videos = videos_queryset.filter(feed__language_code__iexact="en")
news_queryset = NewsItem.objects.filter(is_visible=True, website__is_enabled=True).exclude(
filtered_news = None
if parsed_languages:
filtered_news = news_queryset.filter(website__language_code__in=parsed_languages)
if not filtered_news:
filtered_news = news_queryset.filter(website__language_code__iexact="en")
return {
'news': NewsItemSerializer(filtered_news[:30], many=True).data,
'video': VideoSerializer(filtered_videos[:30], many=True).data