Unable to show saved instance of a form

I have a form that needs to display the values of a field called model_type in a dropdown list. This list needs to be filtered to just the appropriate year and segment.

This is my form and it works:

class Model_Type__Grouping_Form(ModelForm):

    model_type = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Model_Type_Grouping.objects.all())
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):            
        contract_year_segment = kwargs.pop('contract_year_segment', None)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        contract_year = contract_year_segment['contract_year']
        segment = contract_year_segment['segment']
        contract_year_id = Contract_Year.objects.filter(contract_year = contract_year )[0].id
        segment_id = Segment.objects.filter(segment = segment )[0].id
        self.fields['model_type'].queryset = Model_Type_Grouping.objects.filter(contract_year_id=contract_year_id, segment_id = segment_id)

    class Meta:
        model = Model_Type_Grouping
        fields = [

When user hits save, in the POST request, the selected value of the Model_Type_Grouping is saved under the Contract model. This also works.

        model_type_grouping = Model_Type_Grouping.objects.get(pk=request.POST['model_type'])
        form_objects = {form_class.__name__.replace('_Form', '').lower(): handle_form(form_class, request.POST, instance=getattr(existing_contract, form_class.__name__.replace('_Form', '').lower(), None)) for form_class in form_classes}
        contract_new = Contract(product=product, user=linked_user, model_type_grouping = model_type_grouping, **form_objects)

Next, in the GET request, I need to be able to display the saved value. I use the instance keyword. This does not work.

        Model_Type_Grouping_Form_data_saved = Model_Type_Grouping.objects.get(pk=contract.model_type_grouping_id)
        Model_Type_Form_obj = Model_Type__Grouping_Form(instance=Model_Type_Grouping_Form_data_saved, contract_year_segment=contract_year_segment)

I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong.

Please provide more details here. Identify what is happening, and how it is different from what you want to see happen.

It would also be helpful if you posted the complete views.