I am following the LearnDjango Django Tailwind tutorial. I have installed tailwindcss. Here is the output from my terminal-
C:\Users\ZACKAMATA>npx tailwindcss init
Created Tailwind CSS config file: tailwind.config.js
C:\Users\ZACKAMATA>npm -v
C:\Users\ZACKAMATA>cd documents
C:\Users\ZACKAMATA\Documents>cd node
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 46DB-0E8C
Directory of C:\Users\ZACKAMATA\Documents\Node
22-Jan-25 12:40 PM <DIR> .
22-Jan-25 12:40 PM <DIR> ..
22-Jan-25 12:41 PM 60 hello.js
22-Jan-25 11:06 AM 30,867,456 node-v22.13.1-x64.msi
22-Jan-25 12:23 PM 960 npm fund.txt
22-Jan-25 12:21 PM 278 package_json_file.txt
4 File(s) 30,868,754 bytes
2 Dir(s) 11,414,654,976 bytes free
'node.js' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Users\ZACKAMATA\Documents\Node>node hello.js
Congratulations Zack Amata. Node is installed
Where do I locate the tailwind.config.js file so that I can add the paths to it for my templates directory.