Where do I locate the tailwind.config.js file?

I am following the LearnDjango Django Tailwind tutorial. I have installed tailwindcss. Here is the output from my terminal-

C:\Users\ZACKAMATA>npx tailwindcss init

Created Tailwind CSS config file: tailwind.config.js

C:\Users\ZACKAMATA>npm -v

C:\Users\ZACKAMATA>cd documents

C:\Users\ZACKAMATA\Documents>cd node

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 46DB-0E8C

 Directory of C:\Users\ZACKAMATA\Documents\Node

22-Jan-25  12:40 PM    <DIR>          .
22-Jan-25  12:40 PM    <DIR>          ..
22-Jan-25  12:41 PM                60 hello.js
22-Jan-25  11:06 AM        30,867,456 node-v22.13.1-x64.msi
22-Jan-25  12:23 PM               960 npm fund.txt
22-Jan-25  12:21 PM               278 package_json_file.txt
               4 File(s)     30,868,754 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  11,414,654,976 bytes free

'node.js' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Users\ZACKAMATA\Documents\Node>node hello.js
Congratulations Zack Amata. Node is installed


Where do I locate the tailwind.config.js file so that I can add the paths to it for my templates directory.

Probably in the same directory that you were in from the previous commands.

I would suggest you follow the tutorial exactly.

Do not issue any commands other than what is given. Do not change directories. If you have, go back to the directory where you were when you changed.

If the tutorial tells you to change directories, great. Otherwise, assume all files get created in the current directory.

(I’ve never used Tailwind, nor followed this tutorial, but this is the general rule-of-thumb that generally works for any tutorial you find.)

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@KenWhitesell thank you ever so much for your patience and your guidance. Sometimes I feel diffident coming to the community and asking for help. It makes me look like … well kind of like a dunce. But I really appreciate it when you nudge me in the right direction. Thanks. Oh yes. I have seen the files and folders in my project directory. Thanks once again.

Dont feel that. I struggle with problems like yours, and you asking gives others like me an extra opportunity to learn :+1:

@qvisty thank you for the encouragement. I didn’t know that there were others like me having such problems. I appreciate your advice. Thanks
Zack Amata

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