My apologies for the newbie question, I’m trying to follow the flow through an app. I have a form with the action is <% url ‘x:y’ %>, and I thought that meant “directory x, file y”. Except I’m in directory x, and reading file y, and the name ‘y’ doesn’t appear anywhere else in the file.
How do I find what x:y is referring to?
Have you worked your way through the official Django tutorial yet?
If not, that’s your best first-place to start. It’s going to provide you with a lot of important fundamental principles that you’re going to need to know when working with Django.
Yup, I’ve done that, and am currently working through William Vincent’s book. I don’t recally the reference to “x:y” type stuff in the tutorial, which is why I’m asking. If I missed it, or misunderstood, please tell me which page and I’ll happily go back and read on it.
Thanks! I’ll give that a read.
Thank you! I was able to track down the view in question, from a custom_url file. Now to figure out how to test it.
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