Which authentication to use in django ? Should i use usercreationform which i know very well how to do or use django.contrib.auth.url in urls.py file ? Which one is recommended to use ?
I started learning django i learned how to do authentication using usercreationform and authentication form or using other forms ?
Then i learned about django built in authentication views. I am confused which one to use ? Please help me
The UserCreationForm is used to allow the entry of data for the creation of a User object. It has nothing to do with authentication.
Unless you have a need for something else, using the Django-provided authentication views is the easiest way to do it.
@KenWhitesell So there is no difference between using usercreationform for signup and authenticationform for login and built authentication views in django ?
Django-provided authentication views just make it easy to implement authentication and work same as doing authentication manually using usercreationform and authenticationform
Is Django built in views also do session-based-authentication ?
@KenWhitesell please reply please don’t ignore it i saw you were typing or replying but stopped please sir reply it is very important for me to get the answer of this question
The very first paragraph in the referenced docs:
Django provides several views that you can use for handling login, logout, and password management. These make use of the stock auth forms but you can pass in your own forms as well.
You’re combining a couple of different topics and issues here. I suggest you read that entire page that I referenced above to gain an understanding of all the different parts and pieces involved.
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