This is a topic I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. I’d really like to agree with @andrewgodwin and @ubernostrum here, but I see a problem with that approach: It works as long as the separate apps are, as James and Andrew mentioned, self-contained and loosely-coupled. But as the project grows, things have a tendency to entangle themselves, like a set of cables left in a backpack. I’ve seen this happen especially in teams where there are relatively junior devs and lax discipline. You start with a division to apps that seems logical, but as the requirements change, as in-project utilities are developed, etc, suddenly you start to see dependencies in all directions. App A models depend on app B models, while app B views depend on app A utilities. Foreign keys and M2Ms are added in both directions. And Django supports dynamic and rapid development, this can all be made to work without too much effort.
At that point, refactoring is nearly impossible. Moving models between apps is not supported by Django; it requires custom migration operations, and even with them it’s not trivial. If you’re using the Admin, moving models between apps will change your UI. Even moving views between apps without affecting front-end code is difficult, if you did things the recommended way with separate
files. each included with a prefix. To keep the URLs as they were,
from one app needs to import views from another app, and there goes the loose coupling you’ve been trying to regain.
I am all for the vision that Andrew and James are promoting. We should be teaching people to break things up from the start. But currently, Django makes it very hard to correct mistakes in that division, or adapt it to changing requirements. In my opinion, the set of tools for this kind of refactoring is one of the greatest gaps Django still needs to fill, and we may come to find that we need to change some of our tenets in order to support them.