Why isn't the history of an object, saved not from an admin, in Django?

Hi! I would like to know, why does django not have functionality like https://django-simple-history.readthedocs.io yet? Maybe do you have any recommendations if I want to track history of object in django, that was changed not just from admin pannel?

Because Django can’t do everything, and this isn’t a feature that the majority of people need. But it’s simple to add such features by adding apps like this.

Does django-simple-history not do what you want?

A different perspective:

Django does have this functionality.

It’s provided by the third-party package django-simple-history.

Not everything that Django does is provided in “base Django”, nor does it need to. This is a decision made years ago, and regularly reconfirmed.

There are many very popular Django packages existing as third-party packages, and are likely to remain so.

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