Wrong static translations, for example "Remove" and "Delete"

I work with many languages and see the difference for “Trans-Strings”.

For example:
On Englisch “Delete” and “Remove”

On German “Löschen” and translation not exist. Probably should be “Löschen” and “Entfenrnen”
On Russian “Удалить” and “Удалить”. Probably should be “Удалить” and “Убрать”
On Italian “Cancella” and translation not exist, probably should be “Cancella” and “Rimuova”
On French “Supprimer” and “Supprimer” or “Enlever”, probably should be “Supprimer” and “Enlever”

Sorry i can’not check other laguages.

Thanks for noticing this. I fixed the French occurrence. However, note that it was not user-visible, as the Remove inline button in the admin is replaced by a delete icon and the text is moved off-screen. It is still a good thing to have the same translation used for the same word throughout Django.