Attendees: Eli, Marijke, Sarah, Thibaud, Tom, Saptak
New team stickers
- Sarah Create blog post for accessibility team members
- Thibaud Review blog post draft
- Marijke Share media kit with Sarah
- Sarah Start a private channel on the web-a11y Slack to discuss specific problems with the Django admin
- Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
- Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
- Thibaud Finish reviewing breadcrumbs changes
- Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
- Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
- Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975
- Thibaud Review progress with summary element for collapsible fieldsets #17910
- Thibaud Next draft of accessibility guidelines for contributors #17338
- Thibaud Share available web features in time for Django 5.2
- Thibaud Convert any remaining actions to project board drafts
- Thibaud DjangoCon US Ask for or retrieve from last year – guidelines for speakers
- Eli & Thibaud Review DjangoCon US speakers accessibility guidelines & DjangoCon checklists
- Thibaud Ask if we can:
- Reuse DjangoCon US guidelines for other events
- Give a heads’up for speakers about the review process
- Thibaud Ask Europe organizers WG for where to store documents for future organizers
- Eli & Thibaud Ask Saptak for expertise with physical events
- Eli & Thibaud DjangoCon US website audit
- Marijke Share accessibility tips for contributors (already started in Discord)
- Thibaud Ask contact about physical event accessibility guidelines (Thibaud’s or Marijke)
Actions review
- Sarah Start a private channel on the web-a11y Slack to discuss specific problems with the Django admin
- Sarah Report DDT Accessibility on the repository
- Tom Check how best to test multiple widgets per line in demo site #16975
- Created issue in GitHub
- Tom Create ticket for search landmark improvements on changelists
- Thibaud Finish reviewing breadcrumbs changes
- Thibaud Follow up with Open Source Design about the website
- Thibaud Provide testable input date time demo for #15806 – release date field + last login
- Thibaud Review position of “Add” button for filter_horizontal (group chooser) #16975
- Thibaud Review progress with summary element for collapsible fieldsets #17910
- Thibaud Next draft of accessibility guidelines for contributors #17338
- Thibaud Share available web features in time for Django 5.2
- Thibaud Convert any remaining actions to project board drafts
- Everyone Create post for new team members in Vigo
- Everyone Share what they want to share on the post
- djangoproject.com blog post for accessibility team members
- Eli: “sure”
- Marijke: “I’m fine with either”
- Saptak
- DjangoCon (US) accessibility contributions
- Eli & Saptak keen to work on this
- Slides review ahead of time
- Doesn’t require attending the conference
- Guidelines: already in place?
- Retrieve & review last year’s guidelines for speakers
- Website accessibility
- Venue - physical accessibility
- Requires specific expertise
- Contact someone with the personal experience
- Future events:
- DjangoCon US, Django Day Copenhagen, DjangoCon Europe, DjangoCon Africa, Django Social, meetups
- Marijke might volunteer with Django Day Copenhagen
- Djangonaut Space
- Availability in conversation spaces
- Accessibility team presentation?
- Django website design
- Design contributions for Django
- Requires progress on the website working group
- With Thibaud, Sarah, Saptak
- Ask Moe for interest
- RTL for Django
- A11y slack django channel thing
- web-a11y Slack users with feedback about the Django admin
- Sarah’s action