Beginner with GSOc?

I am Prashant Saxena, a final year graduate student. I have worked on a project related to django and django REST framework. I am very new to the django community and want to participate in the GSOc 2022 to give some contribution in django web framework.
Please guide me for the participation it will be very helpful for my skill as well as my career.
Thank you.

Prashant Saxena

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Hi Prashant. :wave:

The best place to begin is the contributing docs: Contributing to Django | Django Documentation | Django

If you can get set up with the test suite and building the docs, you’d be in a good place to begin.

There’s a good page with Advice for New Contributors | Django Documentation | Django

Welcome aboard! :sailboat:

Kind Regards,


Thank You For Helping Me.

Prashant Saxena

No problem! If you get stuck on something particular, let me know. :smile: