Best WAF providers for a Django app

My team is using Sqreen as a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for our Django apps.

However, Datadog bought Sqreen last year and is terminating our contract because they want us to move to their in-house solution: Datadog Application Security Monitoring (ASM)

Besides Datadog ASM, I’ve started looking into Cloudflare WAF because already use them for DNS management.

What other alternatives do people recommend?

We’re using AWS WAF on ours but it is too expensive. I am wondering if there are alternatives too.

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We ended up going with Datadog ASM. It’s been solid so far and integrates well with Django (just need to set the DD_APPSEC_ENABLED environment variable).

However, you NEED to use Datadog APM (because ASM is built on top of the APM) and you can’t use a different APM on top of that (because running 2 APM’s is known to cause problems with Datadog). This isn’t a big deal because Datadog APM has been great so far.