Building an AI Web App with Django: Subscription, Image Training, and User Management

Hello fellow developers,

I have extensive exp developing mobile apps with web services and have put together some web react apps for web3 but do not have extensive web dev exp. I’m embarking on an exciting journey to create an AI-powered web application similar to

My goal is to allow users to train their stable diffusion models using their uploaded images and subsequently generate images from their fine-tuned models. However, I’m facing a few challenges and would greatly appreciate your insights and suggestions.

Here’s what I’m aiming to achieve:

  1. Subscription Management via Stripe:
    I’m looking to implement a robust subscription service using Stripe for both monthly and yearly plans. Any advice or best practices regarding integrating Stripe into a Django project would be invaluable.

  2. Efficient Image Upload and Validation:
    I want to enable users to upload multiple images through drag-and-drop functionality while ensuring that the images meet specific size and resolution requirements. How can I achieve this on the frontend side while integrating it seamlessly with Django?

  3. User Database and Model Tracking:
    To enhance user experience, I’d like to maintain a user database that tracks the specific model versions they’ve trained. This will allow me to run inferences for logged-in users efficiently.

  4. Comprehensive Authentication Options:
    I’m aiming for a “batteries included” approach, where users can authenticate using their Google, Twitter, or other social media accounts. Any guidance on integrating these authentication methods smoothly with Django would be much appreciated.

  5. Rapid Development and Implementation:
    Speed is crucial for me, and I’m looking for a framework that enables rapid development. Any suggestions on how Django’s features can help me achieve quick development and iteration?

  6. Seamless Integration with Design Templates:
    I’d like to know how easily Django can be connected to HTML5 and CSS design templates. Flexibility in design is important, and I want to ensure that the front end aligns well with the Django backend.

  7. Python-Centric Approach:
    I’m keen on keeping JavaScript and CSS to a minimum for the frontend. How can I leverage Python across the stack, and are there any potential limitations to consider?

  8. Future-Proof Scalability:
    Lastly, as I plan for the future, I want to ensure that the application can be easily updated and scaled to accommodate new features. What are some strategies or considerations I should keep in mind for ensuring future scalability?

Your expertise and advice on any or all of these points would be incredibly helpful as I embark on this ambitious project. Thank you in advance for sharing your insights and helping me navigate the exciting world of Django development!

Thank you

Anyone? Or is there any other forum I can post ?

Your post here is extremely broad and would require significant effort on anyone’s part to respond to with any reasonable degree of detail.

There is already a significant amount of information available on these topics in the form of blog posts, books, mailing lists, and in some cases even posts in this forum.

If you’re looking for the degree of assistance implied by your post, I suggest you hire a consulting firm to provide you with the specific information desired.

Otherwise, you might try to narrow the scope of your questions to be more specific and targeted.