Callables for model field's choices

Now that ticket #31262 (support mappings in choices) is fixed, and building up on the ground work made by @ngnpope for unifying the normalization of the various choices formats that Django supports, we could easily-ish fix ticket #24561 (support callables in choices).

I have proposed an initial PR that I’m happy with, but the question of whether functions wrapped with functools.cache (or lru_cache) would be accepted as valid callables (ie whether the migrations serializer would be able to serialize them) still needs addressing. The answer so far is “no” because the mentioned functools decorators return an instance of _lru_cache_wrapper (see this post with details in the Python discourse), so I was wondering if we would be open to do either of:

  1. Provide a specific serializer for the _lru_cache_wrapper type, or
  2. Provide a serializer for anything that has a __wrapped__ attribute

I think supporting this use case (functions wrapped in caching helpers to be passed as callables) is important, since one of the reasons I can think of for wanting callable choice is to defer a potentially expensive calculation (or I/O-bound operation) that would benefit from caching as well.

What do you think?

I’m in favour of doing something here. My main question with option 2 is can we serialize the decorator stack as well as the innermost callable? If not, option 1 sounds simpler and perhaps good enough.

I’m assuming that in the migrations we want to call the fully decorated callable, not just the innermost callable.

Could you expand a little bit on this?

My understanding of the migrations machinery is incipient, therefore I was assuming that any evaluation of the callable at migration time would be in a separated process, thus even if the “caching version” of the callable is used, the cache access would “always” be a MISS since there is no run that has pre-populated.

I would love to understand more! Thanks :raised_hand::five:

I think you’re right that in the case of a caching decorator it’s fine to omit it, so that works for option 1.
But for option 2, we don’t know what the decorators do - it’s possible that they’re needed for correctness.

This is a great point, so perhaps we should stick to option 1 as you initially suggested.

I will create a ticket for that. Thanks!

+1 for option 1. I would also guess that unwrapping arbitrary decorators through __wrapped__ is gonna be hard/impossible.

So I think there isn’t really anything to worry about with respect to option 2 as long as decorators are well defined using functools.wraps() to forward __module__ and __qualname__, etc. In the migrations serializer we’re only ending up with the dotted path to the function and the module to import, not a serialized copy of the actual function code. For a decorated function you would still import it normally by the name you’d expect:

In [1]: from functools import wraps
   ...: from django.db.migrations.serializer import FunctionTypeSerializer
   ...: def decorator(f):
   ...:     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
   ...:         return f(*args, **kwargs)
   ...:     return wraps(f)(wrapper)
   ...: @decorator
   ...: def function():
   ...:     pass
   ...: serializer = FunctionTypeSerializer(function)
   ...: serializer.serialize()
Out[1]: ('__main__.function', {'import __main__'})

Although, as mentioned in option 1, @functools.(lru_)cache has a _lru_cache_wrapper type, it also seems to behave normally as we’d expect:

In [2]: from functools import cache
   ...: from django.db.migrations.serializer import FunctionTypeSerializer
   ...: @cache
   ...: def function():
   ...:     pass
   ...: serializer = FunctionTypeSerializer(function)
   ...: serializer.serialize()
Out[2]: ('__main__.function', {'import __main__'})

So I’m confused… It seems that there is nothing to do here?

Ah, I realised that this wasn’t quite fair because I’ve skipped the detection bit and manually assumed these would be identified as functions. So better would be the following instead which shows that the general decorator case using functools.wraps still works fine:

In [1]: from functools import wraps
   ...: from django.db.migrations.serializer import serializer_factory
   ...: def decorator(f):
   ...:     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
   ...:         return f(*args, **kwargs)
   ...:     return wraps(f)(wrapper)
   ...: @decorator
   ...: def function():
   ...:     pass
   ...: serializer_factory(function).serialize()
Out[1]: ('__main__.function', {'import __main__'})

But, yes, it seems that the @functools.(lru_)cache case will need some help:

In [2]: from functools import cache
   ...: from django.db.migrations.serializer import serializer_factory
   ...: @cache
   ...: def function():
   ...:     pass
   ...: serializer_factory(function).serialize()
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 8
      4 @cache
      5 def function():
      6     pass
----> 8 serializer_factory(function).serialize()

File ~/Sources/django/django/db/migrations/, in serializer_factory(value)
    394     if isinstance(value, type_):
    395         return serializer_cls(value)
--> 396 raise ValueError(
    397     "Cannot serialize: %r\nThere are some values Django cannot serialize into "
    398     "migration files.\nFor more, see"
    399     "topics/migrations/#migration-serializing" % (value, get_docs_version())
    400 )

ValueError: Cannot serialize: <functools._lru_cache_wrapper object at 0x7fae891a2350>
There are some values Django cannot serialize into migration files.
For more, see

It seems that we can quite happily extend this:

In [3]: from functools import _lru_cache_wrapper
   ...: from django.db.migrations.serializer import FunctionTypeSerializer, Serializer
   ...: Serializer.register(_lru_cache_wrapper, FunctionTypeSerializer)

And it works!

In [4]: from functools import cache
   ...: from django.db.migrations.serializer import serializer_factory
   ...: @cache
   ...: def function():
   ...:     pass
   ...: serializer_factory(function).serialize()
Out[4]: ('__main__.function', {'import __main__'})

Thank you @ngnpope for the extra digging, I was about to answer your first post but you beat me to it!

Indeed the issue was about the discoverability of which serializer to use for the _lru_cache_wrapper type.