Customize E-Mail text without use of template files

I use dj-rest-auth and want to customize the E-Mail text for /api/rest-auth/password/reset/ as well as /api/rest-auth/registration/ and /api/rest-auth/registration/resend-email/ (resend-email can have the same text then registration)

The best way may be a custom serializer, but I wasn’t able to create one, which generate a valid link (for password reset as well as email verification).

These are my main problems:

  • The link has to fit to the environment
  • I need the correct token
  • the confirm pages are self written with vuejs
  • The text should be loaded from a db (I know how, but not where to do this)

I already tried a lot, but without success. Can somebody help me?

(For transparency: I also ask in the GitHub project from dj-rest-auth)