Django 6.x Steering Council candidates and voting

Thank you to our 12 Django 6.x Steering Council Candidates! Their public statements are now available for all to read. Those eligible to vote in this election will receive information on how to vote shortly. Please check for an email with the subject line “Django 6.x Steering Council Voting”. Voting will close at 23:59 on December 17, 2024 Anywhere on Earth.

What the Steering Council does

The Steering Council is a group of experienced contributors, whose goal is twofold - to safeguard big decisions that affect Django projects at a fundamental level, and to help shepherd the project’s future direction. For more information, see the Steering Council role and prerogatives.

Steering Council members for the 6.x release cycle members are elected for the duration of the 6.x release cycle, currently scheduled to end with the final release of Django version 6.2 in April 2027. All candidates meet strict eligibility requirements.

More information

For more information, see our initial announcement Announcing the 6.x Steering Council elections :rocket:. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here, or you can email


Is there no bio for Sage Abdullah?

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It was the case but something happened, I added the bio again.
Could confirm it’s okay please?

It appears to be fixed now.

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Amazing, thank you for reporting @zags !

Thank you both, I must have made a mistake when editing another candidate’s statement :slight_smile:

I am an Individual member, but somehow I am unable to vote. How do I register for it? @thibaudcolas

I’ll get back to you over email :slight_smile:

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28 hours to go! We’re at 44% voter turnout currently (176 of 402 eligible votes), so this is looking great.

Anyway, here is more Q&A-style information for anyone still voting and for future reference.

How many Steering Council members are there up for elections exactly?

All five of them. Unlike the DSF board, the Steering Council doesn’t have staggered terms.

How are candidates ordered?

They’re randomized on the voting ballots, in a different order for each voter. On the candidates statement listing, they were in alphabetic order until a few hours ago. They’re now randomized with a bit of extra JavaScript (and in alphabetic order in the source HTML).

How does the ranked voting work?

Contrary to Django’s documentation, in this election voters make their selection by ranking all candidates by preference, rather than selecting specific candidates. Our voting platform RankedVote has excellent documentation guides about Ranked Choice Voting. This year we chose to use the same voting mechanism as for the Django 5.x Steering Council elections. In the future, we might change the process further.

How are candidate statements screened? What length or formatting is allowed?

We review all statements, and allow all text-based semantic HTML formatting that can be sent over in Markdown, reStructuredText, or plain HTML. Links are allowed but will be separately reviewed for any security concerns.

There is no target minimum or maximum length, though we expect voters will respond better to statements that are between one paragraph and one page of information.

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Thank you! My issue is resolved.

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Results are live :slight_smile: Django 6.x Steering Council Election Results. Congratulations to our new Steering Council members, @carltongibson, @emma, @frankwiles, @Lily-Foote, @CodenameTim!


Thank you to the 5.x Steering Council for their service and to everyone who ran for the 6.x Steering Council. It’s great to see members stepping up to volunteer their time and energy.

Congratulations to the new Steering Council! I’m looking forward to continuing the effort to be better.


Congratulations new members of the Steering Council. The group @steering_council has been updated per the election results.

Welcome! :trophy: