There is a strange thing happening in my project and it is that when I am trying to add the foreign key in django-admin instead of opening in a pop-up it is opening up in a new page.
For example I am redirected to this url but there is no pop-up window it is overriding the current page and opening this url.
I think it should be opening pop-up window.
I am using python3.9 and Django=4.0.3
Is this the only model where this is happening, or is it happening with all models?
Have you tried closing all browser windows and tabs, then opening up one window, going to this site and trying it again?
Have you tried a different browser? (For example, if you’re using Chrome, try it with Firefox)
Are you getting any errors in your runserver console?
If you look at your browser’s developer tools, are you seeing any errors in it?
Side note: The “pop-up” that the Django admin creates actually is another browser window that it opens. If your browser is configured to prevent this, that might explain this behavior.
I fixed it by running the collectstatic command.