Hi folks, I’m one of the authors of the library Django AI Assistant, a third-party Django app to simplify the integration of AI-powered features into your Django project. You can declare AI assistants as Python classes and quickly implement method tools the AI can use. These tools can do anything a Django view can.
Here’s a quick example of an AI assistant class:
from django_ai_assistant import AIAssistant, method_tool
class IssueTrackerAIAssistant(AIAssistant):
id = "issue_tracker_assistant"
name = "Issue Tracker Assistant"
instructions = (
"You are a issue tracker assistant. "
"Interact with the issue DB by using the provided tools. "
"Always refer to issue IDs as #<id>. "
model = "gpt-4o"
def get_current_assignee_email(self) -> str:
"""Get the current user's email"""
def list_issues(self) -> str:
"""List all issues"""
def create_issue(self, title: str, description: str = "", assignee_email: str = "") -> str:
"""Create a new issue.
Assign it to a user by passing the `assignee_email` param."""
def update_issue(self, issue_id: int, title: str, description: str = "") -> str:
"""Update an issue."""
def delete_issue(self, issue_id: int) -> str:
"""Delete an issue"""
You can effectively build full applications with LLMs doing all the heavy lifting as long as the AI has access to the right functions.
We’ve included an extensive documentation and examples.
Please give it a try and let us know what you think!