Hey folks!
I just published a package on pypi django-apm
. This is the very first version.
For many times, when we (me and my company: Plathanus) deploy a django-project, our small team must keep track of logs on production, looking up for errors, and keeping up with them can be overwhelming. And when a project becomes used, it’s hard to know which route are giving more errors, receiving more requests or taking more time to respond. Also we wanted a way to receive notifications when this errors happen, with context information: the payload, path, headers, query parameters, traceback and logs.
Also, we stumbled across some paid SaaS like: Sentry, New relic and others. We would like to have a “free” open-source version of these platforms. Altough this project is way simpler than these projects, it definitely gave us a great value!
For supplying this needs, we created django-apm
- Get notified of errors on slack/discord:
- Checkout your errors directly on the django-admin.
- See metrics from your application directly on the django-admin.
On the github repository we have the installation documentation, if anyone is interested in giving this a shot!
Please feel free to ask any questions, i appreciate all of the feedback .
I hope you all have a great weekend.