Everything was working right, at a certain moment I changer the max_length for a CharField to 7, and it gave me this error when I try to migrate:
django.db.utils.DataError: value too long for type character varying(7)
Now that I’ve canceled the changes, when I try to migrate, I keep getting the same error, ANY SOLUTIONS PLEASE ?
First, check to see if that migration was applied. (manage.py showmigrations). If it wasn’t (and I’m expecting it wasn’t), I believe the easiest solution would be for you to edit that migration file and change that migration to a more appropriate value for that field.
The error is due to data in your database being longer than 7 characters. You may want to look at the data and consider fixing it or whether 7 characters is really the limit you want.
one of your rows has that colum at 8 characters or more.
Make sure none of them do before migrating. Potentially by listing of the values for all your objects, something like (extremely quick and dirty):
objs = Model.objects.all().values(
for obj in objs:
l = len(obj['your_problematic_field'])
if len(l) > 7:
print(f'obj with id {obj["pk"]} has that field at {l} characters long')
do indeed run manage.py showmigrations
if your migration does show up, you will I think need to manually remove it from the table django_migrations
. A simple DELETE FROM
is quick and easy.
Couldn’t help it, better way:
from django.db.models.functions import Length
objs = Model.objects.annotate(
for obj in objs:
print(f'obj with id {obj["pk"]} has that field at {obj["your_problematic_field_length"]} characters long')