django-tenants + django-tenant-users: How to redirect users to their tenant-specific URL when accessing URLs from a TENANT_APP's

I’m using django-tenants, django-tenant-users, and django-organizations for multi-tenancy.

And I want users to automatically get redirected to their organization tenant.

Attempting to access throws an error because the table doesn’t exist in the public schema. However, this should result in a redirect to{subfolder_prefix}/{tenant_slug}/projects/ because the path('projects/', login_required(projects_view), name='projects') is set within which is set as a TENANT_APP.

However I registered ‘appA’ as ‘SHARED_APP’ and ‘appB’ as a ‘TENANT_APP’ with the ‘ROOT_URLCONF’ is set to ‘appA.urls’ which has an path('', include('B.urls')) . Is this inclusion short-circuiting the SHARED_APP and TENANT_APP division?

Currently, after login, users land on the root URL, and I redirected them to their organization-specific URL:

from django_tenants.utils import get_public_schema_name, get_subfolder_prefix

def redirect_to_tenant_dashboard(request):
    # Check if the user has any tenants other than the public one
    user_tenants = request.user.tenants.exclude(schema_name=get_public_schema_name())

    if user_tenants.exists():
        # If the user has tenants other than public, redirect to the first tenant's dashboard
        tenant_slug = user_tenants.first().slug
        # Construct the tenant-specific dashboard URL
        dashboard_url = f'/{get_subfolder_prefix()}/{tenant_slug}/'
        print(f'dashboard_url: {dashboard_url}')

        # Check if the constructed dashboard URL matches the current request URL
        if dashboard_url == request.path:
            # If the URLs match, no redirection is needed
            return dashboard(request)
            # If the URLs don't match, redirect to the dashboard URL
            return redirect(dashboard_url)
        # If the user only belongs to the public tenant, redirect to account settings
        return redirect('account_settings')

Once the user is on the tenant url, the following middleware takes correctly over:


But this all feels more like a work around then an actual solution.

Does anyone know how to professionally handle redirecting users to their tenant-specific URL when accessing URLs from a TENANT_APP’s