I want to try using Vue.js in my application. Could you show me a simple example of how to transfer data from a Django model to Vue.js? A small piece of code, please. The simplest model, I just want to see how I can get the data.
Hi there,
here you have a freeCodeCamp video on using Django (with the Django Rest Framework) and Vue:
I tried asking chatGPT (since I dont know). Maybe this helps:
https://ChatGPT dialog about django and Vue.js
I would like to request that you don’t do that here unless you’re capable of independently validating the response provided by ChatGPT. This is one case where I actually agree with SO and their prohibition on using it for generating answers.
Fair enough. I will avoid doing that again. Even though I think the code looks reasonable. Compared to watching a 2½ hour video above I thought it might be worth a quick try.
I agree with that. However, sometimes “looks reasonable” and “being correct” may be two different things - and one might end up spending far more than 3 hours trying to fix a problem caused by incorrect code.
I don’t necessarily disagree. In fact, I think you’re more right here than my initial response may appear.
I don’t expect everyone’s help here to be perfect, I’ve certainly made more than my share of mistakes trying to help. But when I do make a mistake, I also do my best to fix them.
I guess I would more appropriately suggest that such help be identified with a suitable disclaimer as to how comfortable you are with the suggestion provided. (I will sometimes include a disclaimer in my responses when I’m just tossing out an off-the-cuff idea.)
I did… Look again.
Thank you for your answer. I am hoping OP will give feedback on how it went
This doesn’t identify your evaluation or comfort with the response. I would be more looking for what your follow-up response said:
That’s the type of information I’d like to see in a disclaimer. Even though you may not have tested or validated the code yourself, it indicates that you at least looked at it enough to say that it appears ok.
Hi Guys, anyone know what is the github URL for this tutorial ?
The youtube video has the links in the descriotion.
All his stuff is in here: SteinOveHelset · GitHub