Documentation search

We are doing project work on the course Fundamental of software testing at the Lappeenranta University of Technology. We aim to write a report on system testing and our test case is Django Project.

When doing non-functional testing we were assessing the quality of search functionality. We were doing some search cases with different keywords.

Here are a couple of findings:

Keyword: ‘supported versions’ is giving search results without the site Download Django | Django

where there are three tables about versions under the header ‘Supported versions.’

Keyword: ’ticket tracker’ is giving search results without the site

which is located on the right-hand side panel.

This will be our suggestion about how the documentation search could be improved.

Kristiina and Minna

Thanks for this info.

The search function on the site is for the docs only, and it lives on the docs subdomain: Django documentation | Django documentation | Django

Perhaps we could extend it to search other parts of the site as well. Could you please re-report this as an issue on the site repo? GitHub - django/ Source code to . That’s the appropriate place for discussing modificatinos to the site.

This is a better place

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