Error message I got from PythonAnywhere while following DjangoGirls tutorial

I couldnt understand the other tutorial so I followed the advice from KenWhitesell, went to Awesome Django and started the tutorial on DjangoGirls. As part of the tutorial I am instructed to open a Bash console on PythonAnywhere. I have tried to create a superuser by running

python createsuperuser

in the bash console and I get a whole bunch of error messages. Please help. This is what I see in the bash console

Successfully installed pythonanywhere-0.14.1 pyth", line 82, in find_django_files
    self.settings_path = next(self.project_path.glob('**/'))
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/zackamata/.local/bin/", line 49, in <m
  File "/home/zackamata/.local/bin/", line 36, in ma
  File "/home/zackamata/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pythonanywhere/dja", line 84, in find_django_files
    raise SanityException('Could not find your')
pythonanywhere.exceptions.SanityException: Could not find your
18:20 ~ $ python createsuperuser
python: can't open file '/home/zackamata/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
18:22 ~ $ 

It looks like you missed a step after installing pythonanywhere.

(That really should be your first diagnostic step anytime you get an error following a tutorial. Retrace your steps to verify that you have done everything the tutorial is telling you to do.)

Okay. Thanks. Let me go back and try and retrace my steps. Its really daunting. I have a small computer and I have to go back and forth from one tab to another and from one window to another.

Thanks Ken. I went back and I think I missed the step where I am supposed to edit your wsgi file and uncomment the section for Django. Now the section for Django starts on line 74 and ends line 92. would I be in order if I uncomment all those lines… well I will try it.