Facing an issue with Domain Setup

I have recently buy a custom domain from Name Cheap and now I want to connect it to my personal website deployed on railway. This is my first experience with adding custom domain. I tried to do it on my own but after 24 hours of adding DNS, it is still not working. Name Cheap is also asking for NAMESERVICE but I don’t know what is that and how to get it from railway. I need assistance here!

Welcome @KamranDeveloper-16 !

This really isn’t a Django-related issue. This is something you’ll need to resolve between Railway and Name Cheap.

For example, see Public Networking | Railway Docs and https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/9646/2237/how-to-create-a-cname-record-for-your-domain/

Thank you for the guidance!

I understand this isn’t strictly a Django-related issue, but I was hoping that someone here might have experience connecting a Namecheap domain to a Railway-hosted Django project. That’s why I asked it here!