Hosting my first Django/React App

Hello Django Community!

I have a Django RestFramework API as my backend with React with my frontend. I’m perplexed about what route I should take to get my web app hosted online. This feels like a black hole in knowing what to do next. Any suggestions or resources would be great!

Deploying a Django project is considered one of the most confusing things needing to be done. This is because you’re going to be dealing with a lot of technologies that you may not have previous experience with.

Have you identified where and how you’re going to host this? This is actually the first step, and will point you in the direction of where you need to go next. (Deploying to Heroku is vastly different from deploying to something like an AWS EC2 instance.)

I would suggest that you plan to deploy a “standard Django” project first - perhaps even the tutorial’s Polls project. This will get you with something deployed without a whole lot of extra issues to address.

Regardless, you will want to read How to deploy Django | Django documentation | Django to give you information about what needs to be done from the Django side, and a little bit from the Apache side - if you’re deploying behind Apache. If you’re deploying behind nginx, there are a number of good resources for that, too.