How to install python libraries in dockerized django project

My django project is docerized.I am trying to install new libraries by adding those in requirements.txt and running the “docker-compose up --build”.But it isn’t me.

Welcome @Juhair_Manar !

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What does your dockerfile look like for your container? Are you doing a pip install -r requirements.txt?

Make sure the Dockerfile is set up to install dependencies from requirements.txt.
It should look something like this:
FROM python:3.x

Set the working directory

Copy the requirements.txt file into the container
COPY requirements.txt .

Install dependencies
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
Copy the rest of the application
COPY . .

Run the app
CMD [“python”, “”, “runserver”]

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@Isla011 , Please do not recommend to people that the use runserver in their docker deployments. It’s not a production-quality server and should not be used as such. It has no business being used in that manner. (See the docs for runserver.)