Internal organization of the django project

Hello everyone, I work on ticket #34277 and #5929. I would just like to know if there is by chance a part of the documentation that talks about the structure (internal organization) of the django project itself?
If it exists, so much the better. If not, it would be a good idea to create it.
Thanks for your time.

Hi Hama

Ticket #5929 is very complex and needs research to understand previous attempts. I’d advise focusing on just #34277 at first.

There’s not documentation on the structure of Django. This kind of information is often given in conference talks. This one from James Bennett goes into depth on a lot of subjects, including the ORM: James Bennett - Django in Depth - PyCon 2015 - YouTube

Django Under The Hood was a conference specifically about diving into Django’s code. The talks from that are also good: . Ansi’s ORM one will possibly be of interest.

Good luck!

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hi, thanks for your answer. i noticed the complexity of the 5929. I will focus on the 34277 first.
Thanks for the guidance.

Hello @adamchainz ,

Thank you for your advice and for sharing useful resources. Regarding ticket #34277(Added #34277 -- Add Conditional WHERE Clause to bulk_create for SQLite and PostgreSQL by HamaBarhamou · Pull Request #17515 · django/django · GitHub), I have submitted my contribution and I believe I have finished, although I am still awaiting feedback to confirm if everything is in order or if adjustments are needed.

In the meantime, I have started looking into ticket #5929. From my understanding, this ticket aims to expand the capabilities of the Django ORM to allow model fields to support more complex data structures, particularly by using multiple database columns. This seems to be an interesting challenge, especially for the efficient representation of data types that do not lend themselves well to a single column, such as complex IP addresses or geospatial coordinates.

I am currently considering possible approaches for this feature, taking into account both the general architecture and specific technical details. My priority is to ensure that any proposed solution integrates seamlessly into the Django ecosystem and adheres to the framework’s principles and standards.

I would be very grateful for any guidance, advice, or mentorship you could offer on this matter. Your expertise would be invaluable in ensuring that I am on the right track and in helping me navigate the complexities of this task.

Thank you again for your time and support.
