I am working on a project where I would like to update the the DOM with a combination of Django post_save signal, django-channels and websockets.
I have set up a signal to to listen for a Notification save, the code here:
@receiver(post_save, sender=Notification)
def display_notification_on_creation(sender, instance, **kwargs):
channel_layer = get_channel_layer()
group_name = "banner-notifications"
id = instance.id
str_id = id.hex
h = Notification.objects.get(id=instance.id)
print("\n","model", h)
event = {
"type": "notification_create",
"notification_id": str_id
async_to_sync(channel_layer.group_send)(group_name, event)
This code connects to a django-channels’ WebsocketConsumer that has the following funciton:
def notification_create(self, event):
notification_id = event["notification_id"]
not_i = uuid.UUID(notification_id)
print("here", "\n", "\n", type(not_i), notification_id)
now = datetime.datetime.now()
new_notification = Notification.objects.filter(
print("\n", "in consumer", new_notification)
# need a check for if the notification should currently be show
html = get_template("notification_detail_banner.html").render(
context={ "notification": new_notification }
The Problem:
The filter in the notification_create function does not always return a value, instead it sometimes returns None. The reason the filter is required is to capture the user’s selected language, otherwise I would pass a serialized version of the Notification instance in the event.
I am not sure what is causing the issue, I added the get statement in the signal as a check to see if the instance was being inserted into the database, and it appears to be the case, further I have looked through my logs (included below) and can see that the Notification object has been inserted before the print statement on the returned
Additionally there is a not problem when updating an instance, which further makes me think that it has to do with the insertion into the database.
As a side note that may be relevant, I’m not sure if the issue is caused due to using django-parler, which stores its translations in a separate table, but it seems like the object itself is not being returned not just the translated fields.
I am not sure what direction I should go at this point, if I should add a while loop and a timer to wait for the instance. to be returnd (and have a timeout that would break the loop in the event that the insert failed). Or if there is something I am missing.