Model object not updating after attribute edit and .save()

new to dj from flask.
working on a school project creating an e-bay like auction site.
I’m trying to implement an auto bid feature , but having trouble with the auto bid function.
the issue seems to be that the competing Bid Model objects are failing to retain the edits to their amount attribute as they climb their way up the bid increment to their respective max bid amounts.
I made a simple test file in python containing the required class attributes, and the logic is sound, I’m starting to suspect that the django model object save mechanism doesn’t work the way I think it works.
also, even though the return of the Highlander function…(there can be only One…high bid)
may contain the wrong values, the connection to the Auction object as the foreign key .high_bid is not made, which is also confusing.
I was under the impression that Python passes objects by reference.
Suggestions would be greatly appreciated

class Auction(models.Model):
    high_bid=models.ForeignKey('Bid', on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True, default=None, related_name="highest_bid")
    bid_step=models.DecimalField(null=False, max_digits=5, decimal_places=2, default=1.00, )
    #more stuff...

class Bid(models.Model):
    # foreign  key references omitted here
    amount=models.DecimalField(null=False, max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, )
    auto_bid=models.BooleanField(null=False, default=False, )
    max_amount=models.DecimalField(null=False,max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=0.00, )
bid object created and form validated with .is_valid()

if not form.full_clean():
                if result['valid']:
                    return  HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('listing')+'?q='+ request.POST['listing'],{
                "auctions": get_data_from_auction(Auction.objects.get(pk=request.POST['auction'])), "watching": watching, "list_title": "Auction Listing" + request.POST['listing'], "icons": icons, "form": form

bid values validator

def Auction_Validate_Bid(new_bid):
    #validate bid
    #check amount and max amount are %0 of step
    if not new_bid.amount % this_auction.bid_step:
        if new_bid.auto_bid==True and not new_bid.max_amount % this_auction.bid_step:
            print("bid has valid values...comparing bids...")
            #get other bids, if none exist new_bid is the high_bid
            if auctionBid:
                if new_bid.amount > auctionBid.amount:
                    print("new bid is higher than existing bid...there can be only One high bid!")
                    lambert=highlander(auctionBid, new_bid, this_auction.bid_step)
                    print("highlander returned: ", lambert)
                    return {"valid": True, "high_bid": lambert}                     
    return {"valid": False, "error": "amount or max amount not '% 0' of bid_step"}

auto bid

def highlander(auctionBid, new_bid, step):
    if new_bid.auto_bid or auctionBid.auto_bid and (new_bid.ammount != new_bid.max_ammount or auctionBid.ammount != auctionBid.max_ammount):
        if auctionBid.auto_bid:
            auctionBid.amount=auctionBid.amount + step
            print("iterating auctionBid to: ", auctionBid.amount)
            if auctionBid.amount==auctionBid.max_amount:
                print("auctionBid is capped")
        if new_bid.amount < auctionBid.amount and new_bid.auto_bid and new_bid.amount < new_bid.max_amount:
            new_bid.amount= new_bid.amount + step
            print("iterating new_bid to: ", new_bid.amount)
            if new_bid.amount == new_bid.max_amount:
        if new_bid.amount == auctionBid.amount:
            print("re-entering function")
            highlander(auctionBid, new_bid, step)
            print("Outcome: ")
            print("\tauctionBid", auctionBid)
            print("\tnew_bid", new_bid)
            if new_bid.amount > auctionBid.amount:
                return new_bid
                return auctionBid
    return new_bid

are you sure object save did processed?

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Side note:

If the form has been validated with is_valid, there is no reason for you to call full_clean(). (The is_valid function calls full_clean if full_clean has not already been called.)

For any further diagnostics, I think we’d need to see the complete view.

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Side note, but possibly relevent:

Since you are sorting by amount in ascending order and selecting the first element from the queryset, auctionBid is going to contain the object with the lowest bid.

Please confirm that this is what you want here.

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Another side note of possible relevence:

There are a number of cases where you are inconsistent with your spelling of “amount”. In many cases you have “ammount”. Is this intentional in that you have both fields defined, or is this a mistake somewhere along the line?

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yes, meant to filter for “-amount” ty