Need third party email backend service suggestions


I’m at the final step of my Django Project: adding a backend email service. I have signed up with Mailtrap, but because of GDPR etc, they are very strict about which websites can be verified for sending their users emails. Apparently, they only want to provide me with testing emails. I have already tested with the command line (EMAIL_BACKEND = “django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend”). Any suggestions as to which email smtp service I can use? How will users be able to sign up otherwise? Of course, there is always something GitHub OAuth. But I have no idea how to implement it in Django, and is it even possible? It has been quite a while since I have set this kind of thing up in a full stack application, and I know that things have changed quite a bit since then! I would like to keep it as basic as possible for this application, but want to make sure that it also takes into account security of its users. Thanks!

I’ve used Mailgun, Sendgrid and Postmark successfully with Django in the past. No idea if you’ll find the same issue with them or not.